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A/N hello my Chaos Goblins! I wrote this book in September and it wasn't set to be released until next year, bbbuuuuttttt I wanted to give you guys a book for this month and since I'm currently living in a hotel with 3 changes of clothes motivation is hard to find to write. Can't really write smut with my family 2 feet from my computer -_- but any-hoo, I wanted to give you guys something so here it is. It'll be posted throughout the day, but all of it will be up today for sure. I love you guys so so much. If everything goes as planned, I'll have another book up in January. 

Jimin was lost in his memories, before he turned 16 and presented as an Omega everything was great. He had a loving family, went to high school, and had friends. Then the day he presented it was over, as soon as he came out of his heat he woke up in an unfamiliar room and a Beta was there wiping his sweat away. He'd been sold as a sex slave to a rut hotel, but to make it even worse, the owner purposely gets the omegas pregnant so he can steal their pups. Jimin has had two in the two years he's been there.

"Jimin, hey boss needs you on the floor. You were asked for," Seokjin frowned from the door.

Jimin sat up, confusion and anger running through his body. "What? I just gave birth not that long ago. I'm, I'm not even healed yet. How is this possible?"

Seokjin looked extremely apologetic, "I know and I'm so sorry. But this Alpha asked for someone who gave birth recently, he's into milk and yours hasn't dried up yet."

Tears filled Jimin's eyes, it was close to drying up but with an Alpha in rut. "Okay, I'll go. Let me shower really fast." He wanted to die, maybe if he's lucky he'll be able to die during this rut. His body won't be able to take the abuse he always receives during his job. He laid down on the bed, just waiting for the Alpha to show up. Tears rolling down his face, he didn't even get to hold his babies let alone feed them.

He doesn't even know what his pups are. As soon as they were out, they were taken away. The smell of an Alpha in pre-rut filled his senses. "I'm ready for you Alpha," Jimin purred as he presented himself. He's no longer the fighter he used to be, fighting makes it worse. So he just takes it, and hopefully, this will be the last time it'll happen.

He felt the bed shift, a large hand on the small of his back and lips close to his ears, "is this room secure? Is there any way that someone outside this room could possibly know what's going on?"

Jimin flinched, the scent of rut was overwhelming. "No it's completely private, you can do whatever you want to me."

The Alpha pulled back and moved off the bed, "that's good. You can roll over."

The Omega was confused, was he not good enough? The Alpha was nearing rut and he presented himself, but the Alpha was leaving. A whine left his lips and the Alpha's head shot up, "Alpha," he cried out. No he didn't want this, but sometimes instincts are a bitch. 

The Alpha flinched a bit, "no no it's okay. Shit I'm doing a terrible job of this."

Jungkook was freaking the fuck out, no one wanted to take this case a year ago. And as a Beta in an Alpha dominated career field, he had a lot to prove. So when a case came across his desk about an Omega sex ring, he jumped into it head first. The first time he went the only available rut partner was a Beta named Seokjin, Jk tried to get him out. But he told Jk that he wouldn't leave. That his friend was about to go into heat since they took his pup from him and he wouldn't leave without him.

So that's how Jk found himself back here, he couldn't get it done faster and he kicked himself when he found out that Jimin had yet another pup taken from him. "How are you not pouncing on me? You are clearly in pre rut, am I not to your liking? I know I haven't lost all the baby weight yet, but you asked for an omega that just gave birth."

Jungkook's eyes went wide, "no you are perfect. I'm not in pre rut."

The omega frowned, "I can smell it, it's very strong."

Jk sighed as he slid down the wall, leaning his head back on it. "I'm a beta, I work for the police and I tried to get Jin out of here a year ago but he wouldn't leave since you were about to go into heat. It took longer than I anticipated to get back in here. They don't exactly like to have repeat customers coming back too close together with the same partner and you were never available when I came."

"I don't understand," Jimin whispered.

"I'm getting you and Jin out and I'm sorry I couldn't do it before they took your pup. I'll never forgive myself for that."

"You are a beta? But you smell like pre rut."

Jk blushed, "my best friend is an Alpha, he lent me his clothes and scented me within an inch of my life."

"You are really going to get me out of here?"

"I am, both of you. Do you have clothes in here?"

The omega sat up, sliding off the bed. "I do, but I don't have shoes. They don't let us wear them."

"That's okay, I'm sure Jin is handling that. We don't have much time, I need to get you two out of here before your boss notices."

"What about the others?"

"Once we have your and Seokjin's testimony we are shutting this place down. I promise you."

Getting an emotional Omega that just gave birth out of a rut hotel with an equally emotional Beta was probably in the top five hardest things Jk has ever done. But he got them out and into the safe house.

Yoongi was trying, all he wanted to do was give his fiance what she wanted, pups. But since he couldn't have them himself, he did the next best thing, adoption. So when he went to the agency to sign the paperwork for the newborn baby girl, he heard the agent talk about how she had a one-year-old brother. The brother's adoption fell through with another family, and the Omega parent was a single parent and died in a car crash. He couldn't separate siblings, not when they had no one.

What he was not excepting was to bring them home and for his fiance to throw the ring in his face, screaming at him that she was a respected Omega and she was not going to raise some sluts pups when she was perfectly capable of having her own once she finds a real Alpha. So there he was, an Alpha with two pups and no fiance. If it wasn't for his best friend Namjoon and Joon's little brother Taehyung he wouldn't have survived the past few weeks.

He woke up, hearing little Ji-soo starting to cry. He hopped out of bed quickly, if he doesn't stop her then she'll wake up Ji-won and then he'll have two screaming pups to deal with. He was rocking her back and forth in his arms, exhaustion a very real thing when he heard his door open and the faint scent of paper reaching his nose.

"Hey I brought her a bottle," Joon whispered as he yawned. "Do you want me to feed her?"

"No, I got it, go back to bed. You and Tae are getting even less sleep than I am. Thank you, there's no way I would have survived these past two weeks without you guys."

Joon sighed as he flopped onto Yoongi's bed, "you need a nanny. Tae and I have to open the cafe back up. Hobi is done with his rut and we hired two new people that his friend knows and we need to train them."

"I will, I promise, otherwise I'll never get this damn book written before the deadline. Kinda need to be paid since I have two pups to care for now."

"I'm going to bed, if you need help yell and one of us will come."

Yoongi grunted as he settled into the rocking chair to feed his beautiful little girl. "Hello pretty girl, I need you to eat and get back to sleep before your Oppa wakes up."

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