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"Biologically no, they aren't mine. But I love them like they are mine. My Alpha has never rejected them. From the first moment I saw them, they were mine. You came into the picture less than a month after I got them. After that it was like everything made sense, I've never felt more right in my life. Like I'd put up with my father and Chae a million times over if it got us our pups and got me you."

"You don't miss her?"

Yoongi snorted, "hard to miss someone that you barely tolerated to begin with. I was just doing my duty as my father's Alpha son."

Jimin felt like a huge weight was lifted off of him, "will you come with me to the courthouse when I have to testify?"

"If you want me there, then of course."

Being sworn in was the scariest thing in his life, having to tell the jury what he'd been through knowing that Yoongi was hearing every single sordid detail was mortifying. Yes, he'd told Yoongi about his past, but not to this extent. This was cutting yourself open for everyone to see, leaving you more than bare. He knows that Yoongi would never do anything to use this against him, but it's still nerve-wracking anyway.

The trial started at the beginning of November, they celebrated their first Christmas together as a family, then New Years came and went as the trial kept going. Jimin didn't always have to be there, but he was called back several times to repeat his testimony. Wonie turned two and they threw him a party, it had a petting zoo and a ball pit. A cute superhero cake that made the birthday boy smile happily.

Sooie, turned one a couple weeks later. So they threw another party, one that was full of pink and glitter for their little princess. She smashed into her cake and even shared some with her parents before she melted down from being dirty. For a bit, Jimin forgot about everything.

"Hey, I don't know if you wanted to be there when they announce if he's guilty or not."

Jimin sighed, his hand gripping the phone tightly. "Yeah Kook, we'll be there. Thanks for letting me know."

"Was that Kook?" Yoongi asked as he finished putting the last of the dishes away.

"Yeah, they are announcing the results." He turned to look at his Alpha with watery eyes, "will you come with me?"

"Of course I will baby, we'll have to bring the pups though. I'm assuming that Jin and Kook have to be there and Hobi and Tae are in their cycles and that just leaves Joon to deal with the cafe."

The Omega sighed, "I don't want them there. But I understand that we have no other choice. As long as you are there, I know we are safe."

Walking into that courtroom with his pups was scarier than anything that man had ever put him through. He didn't want them exposed to the man that abused him for two years. When they sat down, Sooie in his arms and Wonie in Yoongi's. The Boss, he'd learned his name over the course of the trial, but he'd always think of him as the Boss, somehow, Sung-ho didn't fit. He didn't live up to the meaning of greatness and successor.

The man looked at Jimin, surprise crossing his face before anger flooded him. If there wasn't a scent neutralizer in this room, he's sure the scent would be assaulting him right now. Yoongi squeezed his hand, "ignore him. He's about to spend a very long time in jail."

The jury flooded in, none of them would even look at anyone and the Boss was looking a little too smug for someone that's about to go to jail. "Yoongi, something is wrong."

"Jury, how do you find the defendant?"

"Your honor, we find the defendant not guilty on the account of not enough evidence."

Jimin's entire world shattered, not even when he woke up after his heat in a strange place did he feel as hopeless as he did right now. He doesn't even remember getting home, he doesn't know how he ended up in the shower with Yoongi, or wrapped up in Yoongi's favorite sweater in the middle of their nest. When he came too, it was to the sound of his Alpha's rumbles and calming scent flooding him.

"What happened?" He whispered as he started to stir.

"Baby are you back?" Yoongi sat up quickly, hovering over Jimin as he brushed his hair off of his face. "Oh thank fuck, it's been almost 6 hours. Tae had to come get the kids because you were practically catatonic."

"He's free Yoongi, I'm not safe. He's the Boss, he'll come back for me. He paid for me, he owns me."

Yoongi squeezed him tighter, "no one owns you, you are an adult Jimin. He had no legal hold over you."

"Do you think that matters to him? You saw the jury, he bought them off, he had to have."

"I want to ask you if we can do something. Something to keep you safe, but I don't want you to think that I'm only doing this because of him. I've thought about doing this for a while now, I want to assure you that I want this but I knew you weren't ready so I never brought it up."

"You are rambling," Jimin grumbled into Yoongi's chest.

"I want to mate you, if you are wearing my mating bite then you will be safe. No Alpha, even in the middle of their rut would come near a mated Omega. But I do want this, not just to keep you safe, but because I love you Jimin. I love you with my entire being."

"Let's do it, tonight. But I want my babies back here. I don't like that they aren't here." He was pouting and being extremely whiny, he knew that. But his Omega was screaming at him that his babies weren't safe unless they were here with him.

"I can do that, let's get some food into you. You haven't eaten anything all day. You were too nervous this morning and then, well, you need food. So you stay here while I cook and then after we eat we'll snuggle with our pups."

Putting the kids to bed, in their own room was challenging to say the least. They kept crying and wouldn't settle down, it took hours. Finally, Yoongi and Jimin crashed down onto their bed, exhausted. "I'm not ready for sex Yoongi, I'm sorry. I know that you've waited for nearly a year now. But I'm, I just can't."

"Baby, I will never push or rush you. I'm willing to wait until the end of time for you. Even if we never have sex, I'd still mate and marry you because I love you." He kissed his Omega on the forehead, "it will hurt more without the endorphins of sex running through your body, are you okay with that?"

"I am, I promise."

Yoongi pulled back, "I want you to bite me first."

"You are going to let me bite you and you want me to do it first?" His eyes were wide, yes Alphas let their Omegas bite them, but not all of them. He heard it's because if they don't wear a bite then they can sleep with whomever they want, but once they have a bite their Alpha won't let them. 

"Jimin, you are it for me. Until I die, I will never love another person. So please, bite me and then when we've calmed down, I'll bite you."

He pulled Yoongi down, their lips just a breath away from each other. "I'm going to scent you until the only thing you can smell is me, then I'm going to kiss all over your neck and mark it up before I bite you. Is that okay with you?"

"Yes," Yoongi moaned.

By the time Jimin was ready to bite Yoongi, the Alpha was practically purring and a pliant blob underneath him. "Are you ready?"

"More than ready," he whimpered, baring his neck for his Omega.

Jimin opened his mouth, biting down hard over Yoongi's scent gland. The feeling was overwhelming, for both of them. Yoongi couldn't stop nuzzling into Jimin, his rumbles were so loud and comforting that it was making Jimin sleepy. "If you don't stop I'm going to fall asleep."

"Can't help it," he mumbled as he pushed his face into Jimin's neck more, "you'll get it when I bite you."

"Then do it."

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