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It was a daily occurrence to come out of his office and find his three babies asleep in one of the nests that Jimin had made all over the house, and Yoongi had to admit that he really enjoyed the sight. Seeing his purring mate wrapped protectively around their sleeping pups was enough to make his heart flutter with love and his Alpha instincts to go into overdrive and add even more of his scent to it to keep them safe.

He still hasn't forgiven himself for putting them in danger when Jimin was kidnapped. His hand went into his pocket as his fingers rubbed the ring that was in there. He was just waiting on the perfect time to ask. They were already mated, so they were forever, even more than in the human world. But, he wanted to bind himself with Jimin in any possible way he can. 

Jimin couldn't settle, the only time he managed is when the pups were napping in one of the nests. It started with the kitchen, he hated everything. The dishes were the most boring black dishes he'd ever seen in his life. If you are going to go for something so simple, at least pick white ones. He grumbled and frowned at them for probably the 100th time since he woke up. His babies were playing with edible play-dough in their seats and Jimin was trying his best to rearrange the cabinets for the 10th time that morning just to distract himself from how pissed he is that Yoongi bought black plates and boring silver cutlery. 

"I can feel your frustration all the way across the house. What's wrong?"

The Omega whipped around to glare at his Alpha, "you have black dishes and silver forks," he grumbled, a low growl in his throat.

"Uh," Yoongi was confused, nothing has changed in the house since Jimin started working for him. He's never had an issue with it before so why is he so upset now? "I do, is that not okay?"

"It's not." He was short, making his annoyance known.

Ah nesting mood swings, although they hit a little sooner than the Alpha was expecting, he chalked it up to the fact that his Omega was pregnant with twins. "Okay, how about we load the babies up and go get new dishes? I'm sure Kook would love any hand-me-downs we give him. You've seen how that poor kid lives, nothing but a mattress in the living room."

That was all it took for Jimin's sour scent to go back to happy Omega, Yoongi pushed the cart around following behind his mate as he looked and touched every single dish option the store had to offer. They were currently in their third store since the first two didn't have anything good enough. Finally, his scent spiked in want. "Did you find something?"

Jimin bit his lip as he looked at Yoongi, they were blue marble looking plates with bits of rose gold throughout and around the edges. They looked really expensive but they were actually one of the cheaper options since they were on clearance. "Are you sure you don't want something else? I'm not made of money, but you don't have to buy clearance stuff Baby."

The Omega shook his head, "no, I want these. They are perfect. Look they even have two sets left, can we get them?"

"Of course we can, but we should get new silverware as well. I don't think the silver will look good with these plates."

That got him a happy and purring Omega that was nuzzling into his scent gland in the middle of the store. Jimin ended up picking a rose gold set with pretty etching on the handles. They weren't the most expensive but they weren't on clearance either. But Yoongi didn't care, Jimin was so happy and that's all that mattered. "Baby, why don't we get some new glasses too? I saw some pretty blue ones that will match the new plates."

As soon as they got home and the pups were put to bed Jimin pushed Yoongi towards their room, attacking his clothes until the Alpha was bare in front of him. Jimin pounced, he encased the Alpha's leaking cock in his warm mouth and moaned at how much he enjoyed it. Yoongi was still standing, trying his hardest to stay upright but the pleasure was so immense and he was completely naked while Jimin was still fully clothed. 

His hands went to Jimin's hair and he fisted it hard, "what are you wanting Baby? You want Alpha to fuck your hot little mouth? Or do you want me to stand here while you do what you want?" Jimin didn't answer, not in words, he grabbed the back of Yoongi's thighs and forced the Alpha to move. That was all the motivation Yoongi needed.

He was enjoying this side of Jimin, he'd always been horny, but the pregnancy was making it so much more frequent. He started moving his hips, fucking his cock into his Omega's waiting mouth, getting deeper and deeper with every thrust until his cock was inside where they both wanted, Jimin's throat. "Fuck Baby, no one and I mean no one can please their Alpha as good as you can."

Jimin keened, preening at the dirty talk and praise. "You like that don't you? You like being my dirty boy, making me cum harder than anyone ever has? The way you smell, fuck, it gets me so hard Baby that I swear I spend most of my days hard. I didn't even know it was possible to be hard this much. But you are just so sexy, such a good Omega letting me fuck you as many times a day as I want."

Jimin was moaning, rutting in the air trying to find that friction his cock needed so desperately. "Aww is my Omega hard? Are you leaking all over your panties, getting your little hole all ready and slick for me?"

And that's all it took for Jimin to cum, Yoongi following after. He picked his Omega up, carrying him to the bathroom while he nuzzled into Yoongi's scent gland, purring and drunk on his scent. He cleaned him up and they laid in their nest together, naked bodies tangled together, their scents so mixed that for other people it was impossible to smell where one ended and the other began.

"Thank you for today."

Yoongi chuckled a bit, "Baby I told you that it's okay, anything you want to change we can change. As long as we can afford it, I'll give it to you."

"Can we get new throw pillows for the living room?"

That made Yoongi really laugh, the only reason they even needed new pillows is because every time they get new ones, as soon as they smell like their family, they get added to a new nest. "Of course, and which nest will these end up in?"

He squawked, burying his face into Yoongi's chest as he smacked him lightly. "That's not fair, you pupped me with two pups, what did you expect?"

"Honestly at this point, we should just make the whole house one massive nest. I'm sure Kook would love to come over and see a mattress in our living room. It'll make him feel right at home."

"You are so mean," he mumbled. "But I was thinking your office."

"Hmm?" Slightly confused on what he was talking about.

"For the new nest. I was wanting to put one if your office."

That sounds like the worst idea in the world, he tries his damnest to keep as much of Jimin's scent out of there as he can so he can focus. If he smells Jimin too much he'll quit writing and go find his mate. But he will never tell him no, maybe he can just write in the nest, maybe that'll help him, he's always found comfort in the nests that Jimin builds. "That's fine Baby, whatever you want."

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