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"I did, as soon as I looked at them I knew their names. It, honestly it was my Alpha that freaked out when those names came across the name website I used. He knew, somehow that Ji related to you."

His fork dropped onto the table as he started to cry, "your Alpha is just amazing. How did he not give up waiting on me for so long?"

"You are worth it, even if I had to wait until a day before my death, you are worth it."

"I love you," he mumbled before he kissed all over Yoongi's face.

"There's one other thing I wanted to ask you." Yoongi reached into the drawer in one of the bottom kitchen cabinets and pulled out a stack of papers. "I just need your signature."

Jimin grabbed the papers, confused as to what they are. His eyes bugged out as he read over everything, "you want me to adopt them?"

Yoongi scratched the back of his neck, "well it's not actually adoption since they are biologically yours. But this gives you back your paternal rights since they were taken from you. I'm still their other father since I did adopt them, but this makes it official to the government that you are their parent as well. We'll need this when they start school, Drs appointments etc. If something happened to me, no one could take them away from you."

The next thing Jimin knew he was crashing into his Alpha, arms wrapped around him tightly. "I can't even put into words how happy I am right now."

Yoongi squeezed him tighter, "don't worry, I can tell by your scent. Plus the feelings are mutual."

"I want to get married today. I don't want a wedding, I just want your last name. Let's go down to the courthouse, file these papers for the pups and then get married."

"If that's what you want then let's do it. Although, I know two people that are going to pitch the biggest fit on the planet if they aren't invited. So if you can deal with that, then great. If not we should invite them."

Jimin pouted, "ugh you are right. I'll text them. Let's get ready and go, if they can make it on time, great. If not. Screw them."

The Omega sent off a text letting everyone know that he said yes and that they were getting married in one hour, if they wanted to come, they better hurry because they wouldn't wait for anyone. His phone started blowing up, but he just ignored it so he could get his family ready for the day that would change their lives forever. 

His friends made it, just in time. Some were slightly disheveled and out of breath but they were there. Jin and Tae insisted on being the witnesses and no one was surprised by that. But they were married, they were a family and that's all they cared about.

"Yoonseo and Yoonbi, what do you think about that?"

Yoongi looked up from the floor where he was pouring more paint into the tray, this was the 5th time he's painted the room. Jimin wanted a mint green, and apparently all of the past mints weren't minty enough. Honestly they looked exactly the same, but Yoongi was determined to do this how his mate wanted. So here he was for the 10th day in a row, painting the nursery.

"So, do you like those?"

"Huh?" He was so lost in the world of paint colors that he didn't even hear a word of what he was talking about.

Jimin rolled his eyes as he took a bite of the sandwich he had brought for Yoongi to eat, "Yoonseo and Yoonbi, I like those names."

"If you like them, then great. I picked the last two."

The Omega hummed as he took another bite, before giggling and holding it out so Yoongi could have some. "I think when the kids are older we can put the girls in the yellow room and the boys in here."

"That's fine, eventually we'll need a bigger place."

Jimin sighed as he finished off the last bite, "when the kids are in school I'll get a job, I promise."

"I don't want that," Yoongi frowned. "Don't you want to be able to take them to school and be involved with like the PTA and stuff?"

"Well of course, but we need money."

"Work for me," Yoongi blurted out. Blushing a bit, it's not like he hasn't thought about it. Jimin reads his books all the time, commenting on plot holes and typos. He'd be a great editor, he also made an Instagram and Twitter account for Yoongi's books and he takes the cutest artistic shots of his books. Some Jimin himself even modeled in. He looked so soft in an oversized sweater curled up with one of Yoongi's books, a steaming mug and a bright window next to him.

"I can't do that, I have zero experience."

"That's not true, you caught more issues than my editor did and you've gotten more buzz than my manager ever has. I could fire those two and hire you. Not having to pay them will save us so much money and you are really good at what you do."

Jimin looked so unsure of himself, "really? If you think I'll be good at it then yes I'd love to. I want to feel useful."

The Alpha snorted, "you are about to deliver our two pups any day now, I'd say you are plenty useful."

Seeing Yoonseo and Yoonbi come into the world was something Yoongi couldn't even describe, it was magical beyond words. Jimin had one in each arm, "my little Seoah and Biah, Dada loves you so much."

There was a knock on the door, both of the exhausted parents not surprised their friends were crashing in, more surprised it took them this long. "Sooie and Wonie are dying to meet their siblings," Hobi mused, then he giggled, "honestly we all know this was all Jin and Tae and they are just using the pups to their advantage."

Tae scoffed, "have fun spending your next rut alone." That got Hobi begging on his literal knees for forgiveness.

As soon as they got home Tae and Jin stated they were going to spend the first few weeks with them to help out. Both of them were extremely thankful for the help. That first month was hard, with four little ones, but they did it. When the pups were three months old Jimin decided it was time for them to start sleeping in their own room. He had barely gone in there since the last time it was painted. He was frowning as he laid his pups down.

"What's wrong?" Alpha asked as he padded up behind him to look at their pups that were sleeping curled up together. "I can smell and feel your frustration."

Jimin sighed as he looked around, "I think we should repaint, I don't like this color."

Yoongi snorted, "I thought the nesting stage ended when the pregnancy was over."

"I swear that's not it, I just really hate this color. It's terrible, why did you let me pick this? This isn't mint, this is like pastitsio or something."

"Yah, like I'd tell my very pregnant mate that the color he picked was ugly. I was on the fifth time of painting, I just wanted it over with at that point."

Jimin frowned and then turned it into a pout, "you don't like when I make changes to our home?"

Yoongi rolled his eyes and threw his pouty Omega over his shoulder, "give it up. I know you too well." He dropped him lightly in their nest and kissed his nose, "I love everything you do, even if your color choice looks like the worlds most disgusting ice cream flavors." 

A/N see you Chaos Goblins when we hit 50k! Love you guys.

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