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"You don't think it's too much?"

Tae rolled his eyes as he placed the 20th blanket onto the counter, "clearly you don't get it Alpha," he mocked. "But there are different kinds of blankets that you need pending on the situation. Like he'll probs make a nest out of these the minute he gets them, right on your bed. And it'll be a family nest, one that he wants to have you and the pups in. But the ones he uses for his heat nest would also include your clothing so he won't need as many blankets. Trust me, you'll have a happy purring Omega when he gets these."

"Jimin doesn't purr, he never has."

Tae rolled his eyes again, "you only knew him when he was in distress. Of course you've never heard him purr. But when he's safe, he'll purr."

"He already has purred around me," Yoongi whispered.

"WHAT?" Jin screeched before he wrapped his arms around Yoongi in a death grip of a hug. "You got him wet AND he purred. If you weren't a taken man I'd kiss you right now."

"Could we not tell the entire store Jin, like damn?"

Jin snorted, "an Alpha ashamed of making his Omega wet, that's new. I thought you knotheads liked to brag about that."

A low growl left Yoongi as he glared at the Beta, "I will protect Jimin with my life, even if it's something as simple as his privacy from his best friend telling everyone that can hear."

"Oh God, they have to get mated. This Alpha is too cute," Jin said to Tae as he patted Yoongi on top of the head softly, getting smacked by said Alpha in the process. 

Shopping with Tae has always been chaotic, but shopping with Tae, Sooie AND Jin was borderline insane. "Let's get these to your house so you can scent them and I can direct you on how to make a nest."

"Tae, what? I can't make a nest, I'm an Alpha."

"That's why I said direct dummy, plus Jimin will fix it to his liking, but you can at least start it for him. Trust me, it'll mean a lot to him." So that's how Yoongi found himself rubbing the new blankets all over his scent glands before placing them in a large oval on the bed. He built the sides up fairly high, placing the softest blankets down as the base. "Move that yellow one a little bit to the left, perfect. That's it, congrats on your first nest."

Yoongi grumbled as he crawled off of the bed, Sooie was already fast asleep in the middle of it. And it made Yoongi smile, "it'll be even better when Jimin's scent is in it," the Alpha whispered as he brushed Sooie's hair back. "We should get back to the cafe, I'm sure Wonie is sleepy and driving those three nuts."

"We'll go get him and bring him back home, you lay down with Sooie. Tae will bring him in and just make sure to be at the cafe by 4:30, okay?"

Yoongi set his alarm and laid down with his precious pup waiting on his other one to get there, as soon as Wonie was in his arms and fast asleep he made his way to the shower to get ready knowing that his pups would be safe in the nest. No pup would willingly leave a nest, and he's kicking himself for not giving them that security earlier. 

But as an Alpha, he never thought of those types of things. He needs to tell Jimin that the pups are adopted, that he adopted them since he can't have pups of his own and his fiance left him because he adopted them. He wants to tell him how they don't have an Alpha parent and their Omega parent died in a car accident and he didn't have the heart to separate them. That he adopted them when Sooie was a tiny little newborn and her brother had just turned a year old.

After the party, today is Jimin's day. Once he was ready he got the pups up and dressed. It was adorable how sleepy they were and how much they didn't want to leave the nest, it'll be even worst when Jimin's scent is mixed in. Maybe they can make a nest in their room and they can have the bed back to themselves whenever Jimin is more comfortable. But he can wait, he'll wait forever if it's for Jimin.

"Wow, Jimin, wow."

"You like?" 

"Too much," Yoongi growled playfully, "that's it we aren't going."

"What, why? Yoongi I spent like two hours getting ready. We are going, I'm not letting all of my hard work go to waste."

The Alpha groaned as he scrubbed his hand down his face, "here, take Sooie." He looked him up and down, "there, now people will know you are taken."

Jimin rolled his eyes, "I don't have a mating bite Yoongi, nor do I smell like you at the moment. A baby won't stop some Alpha's and most Beta's I'll have you know."

"Well, I can fix the smelling like me part," Yoongi huffed as he pulled Jimin towards him. The Omega tilted his head, giving Yoongi full access to scent him. It was rough and frantic and when Yoongi was done, Jimin smelled like chocolate covered oranges and it had Yoongi's Alpha wanting to rumble in approval. But not here, if he starts rumbling, odds are Jimin will start purring and since he doesn't know he's already purred, it'll probably freak him out.

"Can we go now? Tae and Jin have been texting me for like 30 minutes now asking if we were on our way yet."

"Fine, but I'm staying by your side."

Jimin smacked Yoongi's chest slightly, "you act like we are going to the club, we are literally going to your best friends cafe and my besties are there, no one else."

The party was low key just how Yoongi wanted it, but it truly looked like Jimin was having the time of his life surrounded by friends. "Alright, time for the Alphas to head home with the pups, because we are going out to the club."

"Tae, what?" Yoongi sputtered, he turned to look at Jimin, "you said you weren't going to the club," he pouted.

Before Jimin could even respond Tae pounced, "don't tell me you are going to be one of those possessive Alphas? Don't think I didn't catch the fact that he's drowning in your scent. We are going out and if you are a good boy, I'll drop him back at your place when we are done."

The pout got bigger, his puppy eyes looking at Jimin. "Please come home, no matter what time it is. The pups and I will be waiting." Then he turned to look at Tae, Jin and Kook, "protect him with your life, if he comes home with even a scratch on him, I will gut all of you."

Both Joon and Hobi started to growl, but one look from Yoongi they shut up and mumbled sorry, Jin rolled his eyes, "be a good Omega and scent your Alpha so he calms down and we can go. We'll have him back home tonight don't worry."

"You act like you didn't force us to have his party on a fucking Thursday so you could have him all alone on his actual birthday. There will barely even be anyone there, because it's a Thursday," Tae huffed. 

Jimin giggled before leaving over and scenting Yoongi until his shoulders were no longer tense and his back wasn't rigid. Then he kissed and scented their pups until they were happy and smiling, no longer picking up on the tension rolling off their Appa. "I'll come back home tonight, safe and sound, I promise."

"Okay, have fun. I swear I want you to have fun, my Alpha is just being a shit."

"I happen to like your Alpha, so be nice," Jimin winked at him before he blew him a kiss and left with the world's most annoying Omega and two Beta's that were up on the top of the annoying list as well, eh, Kook seems alright, but Jin is def number one.

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