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"ARE YOU READY FOR TODAY?" Taehyung screamed from beside their bed making Jimin shriek and hide under the covers.

"That's it, we are changing the code today, too many people know it and use it to their advantage," the Alpha grumbled as he tried to get his Omega to come out from hiding. "Why are you here Tae?"

"It's the day we find out what you are having," he deadpanned like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Tae," Jimin whined as he finally came up for a breath of air. "Our appointment isn't until 10 and it's only 6, OMG it's 6 am why are you here? I'm pregnant with twins, do you know how much sleep I need?" He grumbled as he glared at his best friend.

"I'm sorry Min, I tried, I really did. If it makes you feel any better, he woke me up the exact same way."

Tae frowned at the Beta behind him, "yeah, didn't expect to see my brother and you curled up in bed with a Beta named Jungkook either."

That got Jimin's attention, he popped up with one of the blankets wrapped around him, his hair sticking in all directions but his eyes were bright and lined with mischief, something that had Yoongi groaning internally. He's about to learn more about his friends than he wants to know. "Oh really Jin? I knew you were a bit of a freak, but two pretty boys at once, you go my dude."

Yoongi growled lowly, "do I need to remind you whose knot you rode until you passed out last night?" He whispered in his Omega's ear.

Both Jin and Tae gagged, "first of all, we were sleeping, nothing happened. I'm not ready for that and they both understand and respect that. But that's not going to stop me from getting all the cuddles I can get from them."

"Fair enough," Jimin mused. "Now, since you woke me up I suggest you leave quickly or else you are about to see just how well I ride my Alpha's knot." He was being smug as he climbed onto his Alpha's lap, wiggling a bit to get him riled up. Not that Yoongi would need much.

They threw their hands up in surrender, "we'll go, gross I've seen enough of you twos shenanigans for a lifetime. We're going to start getting everything set up in the living room and kitchen for the party. I have so much to cook anyway."

With that they were gone and Jimin flopped down onto Yoongi's chest with a massive yawn, Yoongi snorted, "I thought someone was going to ride my knot?" He didn't care if Jimin did or not, he knew how tired he gets, even more waking up over an hour before their alarm.

"Tired," he whined as he rocked a bit on Yoongi, "can you just fuck me back to sleep?"

Yoongi huffed, "what am I, your personal Ambien?"

"Exactly," he slurred out as he shuffled around until he could slide down Yoongi's cock. Then he grabbed the Alpha's shoulders and pulled him down with him so Jimin was laying on his back. "Hurry, I'm sleepy."

Yoongi rolled his eyes before positioning himself to where he knew he could get them off the fastest, it didn't take long. They've spent enough time with each other, exploring each other, pleasing each other. They both know how to draw it out or make it quick and he wants his Baby to get a bit more sleep before he has to get up for the day. So he snapped his hips quickly, angling it to where he was abusing Jimin's prostate, his hand wrapped around the Omega's cock and fisting it in time with his thrusts.

Jimin came a few minutes after, before Yoongi even had a chance to knot him, he was already asleep. He chuckled a bit, getting him cleaned up before he slid out of him and got him tucked into bed. Yoongi walked to the bathroom, hopping in the shower to finish himself and clean off before he goes and helps the two idiots in destroying his house for a party they wanted.

And he was right, there was shit everywhere. Balloons, streamers, banners, fucking confetti. "Taehyung, we have pups, two that can and will pick up anything and put it in their mouth."

Tae squeaked a bit, "it's non-toxic," he blushed.

One breath in, one breath out, another breath in, another one out. Do not kill the overzealous Omega in your living room. "Don't worry, I'll make sure there's none on the floor by the time the pups are done with breakfast. He means well, he's just really excited. I have breakfast ready if you want to eat before you wake the pups and Jimin up."

The Alpha grumbled, but he followed the delicious scent of food and coffee coming from the kitchen. Jin is an amazing cook, so as much as he wanted to continue scowling, it's kinda difficult when you are keeping your moans in check with the mouthwatering food. "Thanks Jin, that was really good. I'll go get the pups up and then once they are fed wake the Baby up."

Jin just snorted and waved the Alpha off as he started getting food cut up and plated for the pups. His pups were already up, quietly playing in their room on the rug between their toddler beds. Sooie was playing with a stuffed rabbit that Kook bought her and Wonie was playing with his stuffed tiger that Tae bought him. His pups were seriously the sweetest pups alive, they must take after Jimin because Lord knows he was terrible when he was little.

His grandmother used to tease him all the time about how much of a little Devil he was, having her chase him all over the house and hiding for hours on end, refusing to eat any cooking besides hers. Yoongi sent up a silent prayer that these next pups also took after Jimin, because he's not sure he could raise two of himself without going insane.

Getting the babies changed and dressed he told Wonie that Uncle Jin and Uncle Tae Tae were there and that was all he needed to take off screaming down the hall towards his Uncles. He all but tackled Tae onto the floor as he jumped up and down happy screaming at the Omega. Jin chuckled as he bent down to pick Sooie up, "you hungry Princess?"

"Wungry," she yelled as she clapped her hands. 

Jin strapped her into her seat, giving her her cup and plate while he sat next to her chatting away while she ate. By the time Wonie was done babbling to Tae, Sooie was already done. Yoongi had to bribe the little pup in order get him to eat. "Your Uncle Tae Tae will feed you and give you chocolate milk if you go eat?"

"Ches peas Luckle Tae Tae," Wonie was practically vibrating with excitement at the prospect of his Uncle feeding him. Like they don't see each other at least 5 times a week or more. The Omega practically lives with Hobi and Hobi only lives three streets over, a 5 minute walk at best.

"I'm going to go get Jimin up and ready so he can eat," Yoongi told the two as he was standing up. His pups were in good hands he knew that, and right now, his Omega needed him a bit more. Jimin was still passed out, sleepy little sighs leaving his lips as he nuzzled into his mates pillow a bit. "Baby, are you hungry?"

Jimin whined, shaking his head as he tried to wiggle away from the mean Alpha that was trying to wake him up. "G'way, eepy," he muttered under his breath.

"I know you are, but Jin made you food and I know how much you love his breakfast. Plus, I bet my pups are really hungry. It's been a long time since you fed them."

The Omega rolled over, glaring a bit, "excuse me? I fed them at like 3 am when I made you bring me a brick of cheddar cheese or did you forget?"

How could he forget that? He internally cringed at how much Jimin was going to complain later when he couldn't poop. "I didn't, but since you are up now let's get you cleaned up and dressed so you can go eat."

"I hate you," he grumbled with no malice in his voice.

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