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Jimin showed up the next morning to a very frazzled Yoongi, that was exhausted and not wearing a shirt, his hair was all over the place. "Oh thank God," he breathed out before handing Sooie over, "she's been up most of the night. I had to bring her out here so she didn't wake her brother up." As soon as Jimin had Sooie in his arms she calmed down, "traitor," the Alpha mumbled as he shuffled back to his room with Jimin following him.

Yoongi immediately face planted on the bed, causing Jimin to giggle at him. "I'll take Wonie, you get some rest."

The Alpha groaned before grabbing the blanket he was laying on top of and pulling it over him, "you are an Angel Jimin, legit sent from heaven."

Jimin grabbed Wonie who was standing up in his crib giggling with a stuffie in his hand, "come on mister let's get you some food in that tummy."

Working with Yoongi and his pups was a dream, the Alpha let Jimin do whatever he wanted with them. He went with every whim that Jimin could ever come up with. "Yoongi, I need the next week off."

The Alpha raised his eyebrows, "oh, okay. Why if you don't mind me asking?"

"My heat," he blushed.

Yoongi started stuttering over his words, his ears turning bright red. "Oh yes of course. Uhh, do you need anything?" At the shocked face that Jimin gave him he backtracked, "no, like food, blankets? Hobi told me that you just moved here and didn't have a lot." He groaned, dropping his face into his hands, "nevermind, I'm going to stop putting my foot in my mouth now. Take as long as you need Jimin. We'll survive, hopefully."

"If you need anything you can text me and during my lucid moments I'll try and help." So that's how Jimin found himself in his room with his Omega yelling at him. He wanted a proper nest not the crappy two blankets he had and there was no smell of an Alpha anywhere. He was desperate and needed a distraction because he refused to use the toys that Jin gave him. His last two heats resulted in his pups being taken away and he knows that toys won't give him pups but it doesn't matter.

"Yes Jungkook he's fine. He's in heat because they took his pup from him. When an Omega gives birth and they don't have their pup with them, their body revolts and puts them through heat again so they can have another pup. I'm surprised it was put off this long. He gave birth 6 months ago, last time it was less than two months after the first one was born that he went into heat again."

He needed a distraction, so he grabbed his phone. 'You up?'

'I am, how are you?'

Jimin rolled back over onto his front, 'tired. I miss the pups.' Not even 20 seconds later a picture came in of the two pups in Yoongi's arms, it was a bit blurry because Wonie was reaching for the phone.

'They miss you too, and so do I. It's so much easier with you here Jimin, like I swear you are a witch. Sooie hasn't slept through the night since you left.'

When his heat broke, he showered and went straight to see the pups. When Yoongi opened the door they both broke into huge smiles, Yoongi reached out and grabbed Jimin's hand, "come look."

The Alpha dragged the Omega into the living room where Sooie was crawling. Tears filled Jimin's eyes, "oh my God, Yoongi she's crawling."

"I know," he cheered as he ran to sit a few feet in front of Sooie and made grabby hands towards her. "She's such a big girl." He turned to look at Jimin, "hey why are you crying?"

"I'm, it's nothing. Heat hormones, give it a few days and I'll be good."

"Speaking of hormones, I wanted to ask you something. Feel free to say no," the Alpha wouldn't look Jimin in the eye and it was adorable.

"Spit it out Yoongi," he giggled as he sat down next to Wonie, picking the pup up and kissing all over his face.

"My rut is coming up and I was wondering if you'd watch the pups for me while I go to a hotel." Fear laced through Jimin's body and based on the calming pheromones Yoongi was releasing it had reached his scent as well. "Did I say something wrong? You don't have to, I promise you can say no. Joon or Tae can watch them."

"Are you going to a rut hotel?"

Yoongi frowned, he wasn't, but why would that matter? "No, a normal hotel. I'm doing it alone, not that you need to know that." He mumbled the last part, completely embarrassed. 

"Sorry, you are right. I have issues with rut hotels, but those are my issues. I shouldn't have pushed my insecurities onto you. What you do is your business."

He knew that Jimin had a difficult past, he didn't know what all it entailed since the Omega has been extremely tight lipped. But based on the flinching he does anytime Yoongi moves too quickly near him, or how his scent spikes in fear whenever Yoongi shows any Alpha traits, it wasn't hard to figure out. Thankfully they don't usually have issues since Yoongi, as his fiance and father liked to tell him is a pathetic excuse of an Alpha.

He wasn't big and bulky like most of them, his scent was very mild, almost omega-like in nature with its citrus smell. He also doesn't posture like most Alphas do. "Don't worry about it." He waved it off, "but would you mind staying here with them?"

"Yeah I can do that. If you really don't mind?"

"Honestly, I'd feel so much better knowing that my little babies are with you. I know they are safe with you, you love them, it's clear to see. And they love you," Yoongi smiled as he watch Sooie crawl towards her Oppa and Jimin.

The second day of Yoongi's rut he was going insane, Jimin had been sending regular updates on the pups and even pictures when Yoongi asked. His Alpha was screaming for his Omega and Yoongi was confused, he hadn't thought of Chae-young since she left. He didn't even think of her in his ruts that he spent with her if he was being honest. His Alpha was always quiet during his ruts, but now he's not.

So when Jimin sent a picture of him with the pups asleep on his chest while they laid in Yoongi's bed, he was a bit ashamed to admit that his brain went haywire and he started picturing Jimin beneath him. Him screaming Yoongi's name, begging his Alpha to knot him. And with that, he came all over himself.

"Come on Wonie, it's bath time and then I need to bathe your sister."

The toddler was trying his hardest to lean into the tub to play with the bubbles while Jimin was trying to get him undressed. He was a year and a half old and Sooie was just over six months. They were perfect, absolute angels and they were healing Jimin's broken heart. They'd never replace his pups but since Jungkook has basically told him that there is nothing he can do. They can't find any of the pups that were stolen from them, these two were the next best thing. His Omega was always content around them. 

He just hopes that wherever they are, that they are happy and hopefully together. This week, being with these pups was everything, he didn't want to go home to his lonely apartment. Yes he lives with Jin, but the Beta has made lots of friends and is always gone.

"Hey," he heard someone whisper. He blinked his eyes open and there sitting next to him on the bed was Yoongi, looking extremely exhausted and smelling absolutely delicious.

So he's going to blame what he did next on his sleep rattled brain and his Omega. He grabbed Yoongi's hand and pulled him down next to him, he shuffled a bit passing Sooie over as he curled into Wonie more, "sleep." He mumbled before falling back to sleep.

For the first time in over a week, his Alpha was content. He was here with his pups and his, and Jimin.

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