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"You found us jobs?" Jin asked.

Jk nodded his head, "it's nothing special, it's at a cafe my friend owns with two brothers. They serve pastries and coffee. But they need people and I thought it would work until you can find something that you enjoy."

Jin stood up and wrapped his arms around the shocked Beta, "Kookie you have no idea how excited I am to serve coffee vs Alphas in rut. My ass thanks you."

Jimin snorted at the shocked look on Jungkook's face, "ignore him Jk. Thank you for finding us a job."

"You are welcome, finish getting ready and I'll take you. It's a short walk from here."

Jin was a natural, he knew how to bake and even improved some of the recipes that were currently on the menu. He was charismatic, and oh so charming, so Jimin was slightly jealous at how easy it was for him. Even more when he dropped the fifth cup of coffee that morning.

Hobi laughed, "Jiminie, we are going to have to put you on register duty and keep you away from anything that can burn you.

"Sorry Hobi, I really am."

Hobi waved his hand, "do not fret little cutie. We own a mop, no harm no foul. I just don't want you getting hurt."

Yoongi got Ji-soo strapped into the wrap and Ji-won settled into his stroller. The diaper bag was thrown over his shoulder and he was ready, he looked like a pro on the outside, even if he was freaking out hardcore on the inside. This was the first time he was outside with the pups and it was even worse because it was the first time he was alone with them since he brought them home.

"Yoongi you came?" Hobi cried before he ran towards him, "let me see these babies." The Alpha wrapped his arm around the baby on his chest and stood in front of the baby in the stroller and growled lowly at the excited Alpha bouncing towards him. Hobi skidded to a stop and held his hands up in the air, "you okay?"

Yoongi shook his head a bit, "sorry, instinct. An Alpha running towards my pups kicked in my appa drive." He was blushing and Hobi thought it was the cutest thing ever. "You can hold them, but go wash your hands."

Hobi rolled his eyes, "Yoongi, I work with food. My hands are probably cleaner than yours are." But he still made his way over to the sink and washed them before running back to get Ji-won out of the stroller. "How is my favorite little boy doing today?"

Ji-won started babbling and Hobi was acting like they were having a full on conversation, it was adorable. Yoongi was getting Ji-soo fed and Ji-won was starting to cry, "turn him around so he can see everything."

Hobi turned to look at the small Omega in front of him, "huh?"

"Turn him to where he's facing out, when he's facing your chest he can't see his appa. It stresses him out."

"Oh," the Alpha mumbled as he rotated the pup around making him calm down immediately. "Wow Jiminie, how did you know that?"

Jimin shrugged his shoulder, "I use to work with pups. Plus, Omega," he mumbled as he pointed towards himself.

"Gotcha," he nodded his head, "thanks Jiminie."

Once Ji-soo was done eating Yoongi took Ji-won back so Hobi could get back to work. He wasn't planning on staying long, just wanted to get some fresh air and get the pups used to all the scents. He was getting ready to leave when a loud crash and the sound of breaking glass filled the otherwise quiet cafe. "Jimin, are you okay?" Hobi yelled, making Ji-soo and Ji-won cry.

Yoongi was trying his best to calm them both down, "do you need help?" A soft and musical voice spoke right next to him. Yoongi looked up to see the most beautiful man he's ever seen in his life.

"Uh what?" Smooth Yoongi, smooth.

"Do you need help? Hobi banned me from going near the counter until the glass is cleaned." He mumbled with a blush on his cheeks as he waved his hand towards the two screaming pups.

"Oh, yes sure. Uh here you can take Ji-soo but warning, she likes to scream and I can only get her to stop when she's eating but I just fed her and she can't eat again." Yoongi stopped his words because there his daughter was, being held by a complete stranger and not a peep out of her. "Whoa, how did you do that?"

Jimin blushed, "uh, I held her."

"I hold her all the time and she still screams," Yoongi pouted making the Omega giggle.

"I'm Jimin," the Omega stated with his hand held out to shake.

"Yoongi, that's Ji-soo and this screaming angel is Ji-won."

"Here, let's switch." Jimin handed Ji-soo back and took Ji-won who immediately shoved his face into Jimin's neck and calmed down instantly.

Yoongi's mouth was hanging open, "are you a witch or something?"

"No," Jimin giggled.

"Do you want a job?" Yoongi blurted out making the Omega flinch. "Sorry, that sounded bad. I need a nanny and clearly my pups love you."

"Won't their mom be upset by another Omega in her house?"

While that's a valid reason, it made Yoongi sad because he doesn't have anyone at home. "That won't be an issue. I'm, uh it's just me and the pups." He was going to explain that they were adopted but he didn't feel like he needed to explain or justify that yes he was a single male Alpha taking care of two pups that weren't biologically his.

"You should do it Jimin, I'm not trying to be mean but you seriously suck at cafe work."

Jimin whipped around to glare at Jin, did he not think that watching two pups would be hard for Jimin? For fucks sake, he lost his own pups and Jungkook can't find them anywhere. The adoption agency that the rut hotel used falsified all records and since he gave birth with only a Beta nurse there, he may never find them. He can't ever replace his pups, but maybe helping these two will help heal him, they look around the same age as his would be.

"You don't have to, if it makes you feel uncomfortable. I just never thought I'd be doing this alone, it's a lot harder than I thought it would be. But I understand if this makes you uncomfortable, we are strangers after all."

"No, I'll do it. Jin's right I seriously suck at this work."

Hobi snorted, "no offense Jimin, but you are a hazard. You'd do much better with the pups than you ever could do with coffee."

"Okay, I'll do it. What are the hours?"

Yoongi perked up, "whatever you are willing to work. I'm a writer so I work from home, but I haven't been able to write anything since this little one screams constantly and that makes her Oppa scream too. So whatever you are willing to give, I'll gladly take. I'll pay you of course, I'll double what you are making here."

So that's how Jimin found himself driving with an unknown Alpha to his house to check out if this would work or not. "Please excuse the mess, I wasn't expecting anyone to come over." Jimin smiled, it was a disaster, not a neglectful one, just more of an exhausted parent kind of mess. "I'll show you their room, but if I'm honest, they both sleep in my room so I can keep them close."

He went on the house tour, helped Yoongi get both of the pups down for a nap and then he got to work on cleaning up the house, shooing the Alpha towards his office telling him to work since he was there. Jimin cleaned the house, fed Ji-soo, and placed her on the floor for tummy time while he got Ji-won up and fed. Now they were sitting on the floor and he was playing with Ji-won while Ji-soo fussed. "I know Sooie, but tummy time is very important and you only have five more minutes." He clapped a bit as he sang a silly song, "Wonie good job," he praised.

"You are a natural."

Jimin squeaked a bit as he held his hand over his heart, "you scared me."

"Sorry, but seriously are babies supposed to do tummy time?"

Jimin rolled his eyes a bit, how did he handle Wonie when he was a baby? "Yeah, they are. I made dinner, it's on the stove. What time do you want me tomorrow?"

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