♡. . . brontide

165 12 435

brontide ( noun ) - the low rumble of distant thunder

˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ now playing ; years of war by portor robinson ; breanne duren ; sean caskey

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It had been a cold day, approximately five months ago. Still winter in Florence, Italy, when rain often falls into the lively plaza's. Most often packed with American tourists. January. Both Echo and Cue had enjoyed the short time spent there in December, before their plan sprung into action.

Anastasia Amara. Still on Christmas Break from medical school in the states, it seemed. It was the perfect time for the grim reaper to suddenly strike.

Cue had planned it to the last detail, despite Echo's absolute desperate begging to allow her to create the plan this time. He hadn't been discouraging, but he had pointed out a number of flaws and unnecessary risks in her own plan that inevitably made her back down. One of these days though, one of these days, she was going to have a plan, and it was going to go right.

Today was not that day, most unfortunately for Echo. Still however, this was something new in their lives now. Someone new, to welcome to immortality, which wasn't as pleasurable as one would think. Course, by now, she's sure everyone's had the argument. Sooner or later they would, anyway. So they went with Cue's plan instead, which wasn't nearly as exciting as what she would have dreamed up, but it was reliable, steadfast, and admittedly - well, smart.

Echo was smart, but she was well aware she wasn't as wise as Cue was. He often told her that knowing that made her much wiser than she thought. Still, she wasn't sure she quite believed him all the way about that.

After all, it wasn't wisdom that led her to partake in a London season, to accept a proposal that really shouldn't have been hers to accept, and to have children that shouldn't have been hers to bear.

Still, Echo doesn't regret one minute of it all.

Something she also doesn't regret, is Anastasia. Reincarnation, if you will. Mostly because Anastasia reminds her a little too much of someone she lost long ago. Perhaps it's fate, or perhaps it's just her imagination running away from her once again. Either way, Anastasia is something she's always wanted, and hasn't had in a long, long time.

A sister.

It was odd enough to watch, because even though she despised Cue { or so she said }, she seemed to click with Echo right away, and finally, she didn't feel so . . . out of place. That being said, Anastasia was intimidating, and scary, and articulate, and smart, and absolutely terrifying when she wanted to be. And yet, Echo had never been scared of her. Not really. The fact was that Anastasia often made her grateful that she was on their side, and not standing against them. Not that she thought much anyone could stand against Cue and live, anyway.

𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐋𝐄𝐒𝐒 -- 𝐀 𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐀𝐍𝐂𝐄 𝐀𝐏𝐏𝐋𝐘𝐅𝐈𝐂Where stories live. Discover now