♡. . . vagary

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vagary (noun) - a whimsical, wild, or unusual idea

˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ i hear a symphony by cody fry

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 On one hand, Amir was devastated about what had happened to Echo, on the other hand, he was pretty fucking content to have Freddie sitting in front of him, in between his legs as he leaned his back against Amir's stomach.

His arms had wrapped around his boyfriend, eyes turning between the whatever chemistry-oriented game he was playing, and the reality show playing in front of them. Ultimatum. It was kinda like the bachelor, but for queer people, and Amir had unfortunately become invested. As had Joon, as of this month, especially since he'd been so distracted with Echo vanishing.

Now that she was back however, he was probably going to watch the episodes with her, and they'd talk about it later. Freddie didn't seem all that interested though, or maybe he was, and just fidgety.

Actually, now that Amir thought about it, Freddie really hadn't said all that much since they were notified by Joon on Echo's return. Amir frowned a little, leaning over to set his head on his boyfriend's shoulder, "Hey, mon chéri."

Freddie hummed, snuggling back further as he dropped his head back, setting aside his phone in favor of listening. "I like that one."


"Mhm. It's my favorite, I think." Freddie smiled again, reaching to trace one of the hands wrapped around his stomach. "Plus, I like it when you speak French, it's very romantic."

Amir smiled more, kissing the base of his boyfriend's neck before returning his attention back to what he was originally going to ask. "I'm glad, first of all, but that's not why I wanted your attention." Again, he responds with that same noncommittal humm, side-glancing towards where Amir has set his chin on his shoulder. "You're just being quiet - I mean, not that you aren't usually, but it's in a different way this time. I don't know, ever since we got news about Echo, you've just seemed...distracted, maybe?"

"Mm." Freddie's gaze wanders back to the t.v., watching for only a moment before responding to the question. "I guess I'm just worried." Freddie took one of Amir's hands, turning the palm over to trace the lines.

"About Echo?" Amir watches Freddie's features shift, eyes darting back and forth as if having some kind of internal debate. He's quiet for a moment longer than expected, and Amir feels his own anxiety sear in waves up his chest. "..not about Echo?"

"No, I- well, of course I'm worried about Echo." Freddie half-trailed off, but he did sound sincere, even if there was a but on the end of that sentence somewhere." Expectantly, Amir just turned his head to watch him, waiting for the proper effect of his stare to induce the end of whatever he was going to say. Freddie side-glanced at him again, then sighed curling impossibly closer to him. "Just- Well, I've just been thinking about it lately I guess." Hesitance crossed his features, nose scrunching up, "..never mind, it's silly."

𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐋𝐄𝐒𝐒 -- 𝐀 𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐀𝐍𝐂𝐄 𝐀𝐏𝐏𝐋𝐘𝐅𝐈𝐂Where stories live. Discover now