♡. . . rantipole

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rantipole (adj.) - having a wild, reckless attitude

˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥  play by k-391; alan walker

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A week.

It's been a week since Echo had vanished. Even Cue seemed to be down, and he was practically impossible to read. Of course, who wouldn't be down at the disappearing of their beloved ray of hope.

At least, Freddie's ray of hope.

He let out a slow, calming breath, sucking the fresh morning air back into his lungs. Chittering sounds rimmed the fringes of the greenery around him, the occasional bird chirping in tandem with its flock. The sky was clear today, not a cloud in sight in fact. It would have made a great beach day, if any of them were really up for it.

Gradually, he shifted into warrior one, closing his eyes as he focused on his breathing rather than letting his thoughts run themselves in circles. Of course, it was a worthless attempt, and it really didn't stop the gears from churning in his head.

It felt weird doing yoga without Echo. But he'd gotten up today, early, on instinct, as he did every week to walk down the forested path to a patch of greenery under the canopy where they would talk and do it together. The only time he really missed a session was when he had been sick, and even that was on a technicality. Freddie felt his mouth upturn at the memory. He was scared, of course he was, but Echo would come back. He was sure of it.

Now, move to warrior two.

The others were taking it about as good as he was, which admittedly wasn't fantastic. Cue had been out pretty much every day, and it wasn't a secret to anyone what he was doing. He wasn't really grumpier than usual, but he was much more expressive than he had been. He'd even ruffled Freddie's hair after they ran into each other before he vanished for the day once again.

At the very least, Asia and Cordelia seemed to have made up, at least from what Amir told him. Refusing to let his heart skip a beat at the thought of him, Freddie opened his eyes, trailing them across the lush grass. After that night, Cordelia and Asia had evidently sought out each other. He wasn't really sure of the details, and neither was Amir, but they seemed to be closer than ever, regardless of the fury that had buried into their own souls only a week ago. Freddie saw them only a couple nights ago taking a walk together in silence.

𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐋𝐄𝐒𝐒 -- 𝐀 𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐀𝐍𝐂𝐄 𝐀𝐏𝐏𝐋𝐘𝐅𝐈𝐂Where stories live. Discover now