♡. . . desiderium

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desiderium ( noun ) - an ardant longing, as for something lost

˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ now playing ; dreams pt. II by sara skinner; lost sky

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It felt surreal, all of this did. Which was fair, at least she thought it was fair to think that. After all, she was now placed in some sort of magic-infused world, inside the world that wasn't supposed to have magic, or anything of that sort. It was stupid, and strange, and scary.

But maybe that was just because it was new.

But now, this girl's hand, Echo's hand, remained outstretched in front of her, in an offer of friendship. An offer of support. An offer of trust.


Cordelia didn't trust anyone, not even this girl in front of her, who seemed to be everything Cordelia frankly, was not. Pretty, and perfect, and well-rested, and kind, and loving, and gentle, and articulate, and Cordelia hated it.

She didn't hate Echo, which was probably the worst part in this situation, but who in their right mind could hate Echo?

No, Cordelia hated the fact that Echo was everything she wasn't, and she'd only known her for a few minutes at best.

Still, the promise of friends lingered somewhere in the back of Cordelia's mind, sending her fingers twitching. It took her a brief moment to realize she was only staring at the hand before her, making no move to take it, but her thoughts still raced a mile a minute, grasping for any kind of logic as to why she wanted to take her hand so bad.

She wanted friends, sure. That was a normal, human, mortal, thing to want. But they weren't mortal anymore. No, they were immortals now, living with other immortals, and they were to spread happiness across the world because why the fuck not?

Where was my happiness?

The thought coated her tongue, prompting her to say them. Cordelia couldn't bring herself too, but it did make her wonder.

Where was my happiness?

Maybe she'd ask that question later, at some point, when the judgemental eyes of the other immortals weren't upon her. Cordelia desperately tried to reason with herself, to say that they weren't judging her - and even if they were, why would it matter? They didn't know her.

"No, but I'd certainly like to."

The words came again, but not from Echo. Well, yes from Echo, but somewhere in the inside. Cordelia lifted her head, meeting the bright eyes of the immortal before her. She could hear the words there, somehow. The truth behind them. The honesty.

𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐋𝐄𝐒𝐒 -- 𝐀 𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐀𝐍𝐂𝐄 𝐀𝐏𝐏𝐋𝐘𝐅𝐈𝐂Where stories live. Discover now