Chapter 8 - The Pirate Queen of Takodana

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Two droids had previously notified Kylo Ren and Hux that the Supreme Leader requested their presence in the throne room. Coming out of their respective divisions of Starkiller Base, Kylo Ren and Hux encountered each other in the hall, and began walking side-by-side.

"Kylo Ren." Hux greeted him.

"Hux." Kylo Ren said monotonically.

"What do you figure the Supreme Leader wants?" Hux asked.

"I figure it has something to do with the Sentinels, but we'll see."

"Can't you just use the Force and find out where the Sentinels are? Is it not an all-powerful thing?" Hux said, half mockingly.

"Your ignorance in the Force is almost laughable." Kylo Ren said, turning to Hux. "I should've expected that someone with no understanding of the Force would say idiotic things."

Hux's smirk vanished after hearing that.

"And don't forget I am only one man. Don't expect this conflict to end in the blink of an eye; a general should understand that."

Hux, ignoring the comment, removed his glove from his hand and used it to unlock the door to the throne room. It recognized him and unlocked, allowing the two to enter the room.

The large throne room was composed of natural stone and chiseled obsidian, which made up the support pillars. The room held hundreds of seats that would usually seat First Order higher ups, and the occasional soldier or whole battalions, where they'd be congratulated by the Supreme Leader himself. However, instead of seeing a throne, with the Supreme Leader sitting as he awaited a person to come before him, there was simply an empty space. Both Hux and Kylo Ren kept walking, before stopping as a large hologram.

The Supreme Leader, named Snoke, was an ioxolei male with pale, veiny skin, long arms and legs, a flat nose, and sunken blue eyes and barely visible white eyebrows. A noticeable scar traveled up his forehead and ended at the top of it. Both Kylo Ren and Hux bowed before the Supreme Leader as they waited for Snoke to speak.

"The droid will soon be delivered to the Sentinels. . ." Snoke began. "Leading them to the last Jedi. . . if Skywalker returns, the new Jedi will rise. In the event of more Jedi spawning, this conflict will last longer than necessary."

"Supreme Leader, I take complete responsibility for thi—" Hux apologized.

"No, General." Snoke interrupted. "This is only a minor setback. Our strategy must now change however." He stated calmly.

"I bring good news." Hux spoke again. "Not too long ago, Guavian Death Gang leader Bala-Tik contacted Javelin Outpost. He informed us that the fugitives are aboard the Millennium Falcon; where the fugitives go, the droid follows."

"You are a pragmatic man, Hux. Instruct those in the Western Reaches to continue monitoring Solo's movements." The Supreme Leader said.

"Yes, Supreme Leader." Hux said, before glancing at Kylo Ren then leaving.

After the door behind them closed. The Supreme Leader spoke once more.

"There's been an awakening. Have you felt it?"

"Yes." Kylo Ren said simply.

"And based on everything we know, who do you think the awakening is happening in?"

"In one of the fugitives." Kylo Ren responded. "And throughout the Galaxy."

"Exactly. Should you be the one who intercepts Solo's ship, my only request is that you bring the awakened one to me." Snoke instructed. "But, will seeing your father interfere with your mission . . ?"

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