Chapter 9 - An Appeal to the Congress

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Not far from Hosnian Prime, the current planetary capital of the New Republic, Leia Organa sat inside a medium-sized RA-6 cruiser, named the Baronage. The RA-6 was a white and green consular ship with three engines located on its side, with another on the ship's underbelly.

Leia sat looking out at the planets of Hosnian, Courtsilius, Cardota, and Raysho, which, together with Hosnian Prime of course, made up the Hosnian planetary system. Beyond the planets, the Grand General glanced at the bright star, named Torantis; it was a K-type star that gave off a light orange shine on the side of the Baronage and the surrounding planets. At the same time, she thought about what she would say before the special congressional session made just for her. While yes, she did leave her position as a senator to fight the First Order, many in the galactic assembly saw her as a warmongering woman, who traded peace and compromise for war and conspiracies. Even if the Republic's citizens couldn't see it now, Organa was certain that the First Order had the power to gradually build up their influence until they could launch a coup on the fledgling Republic.

A soft chime came at the door to the room Leia sat in.

"Enter." She spoke.

The protocol droid, C-3PO, entered, walking stiffly towards her.

"Madame Organa, we should be arrive on the surface of Hosnian Prime in thirty minutes." C-3PO updated her.

"Thank you, 3PO." Leia said before looking back out the window.

"Shall I close the door?" 3PO asked.

"Please do."

As C-3PO had stated, the Baronage landed on Hosnian Prime's surface in thirty minutes exactly. The consular ship landed on a landing pad on the very outskirts of Orzili, the megalopolis that housed the New Republic's government. Another chime came from the door; this time Leia stood up, fixing her ultramarine-colored dress and adjusting the silver and onyx wedding ring on her finger. She then made her way to the door, pressed the unlock button, and came face-to-face with the pilot, an abednedo male wearing a dark blue flight suit. The two exchanged an awkward glance, before the pilot moved aside as Leia made her way off the ship.

3PO followed behind Leia as they stepped onto the landing pad. Leia looked in the distance and could see the tall thin skyscrapers of Orzili. The two now stood in a suburb called Robakev. Rows of long thin trees and different types of flora lined the sidewalks and street. Nearest Leia and 3PO, was a large building known as the Hanging Gardens of Orzili, a place many people would frequent to escape the hecticness of life. Plants ranging from featherferns, sapir, bonsai, royal fluzz, and alfalfa hung on the exterior and interior of the structure. As Leia and 3PO entered the garden, Organa felt the humidity rise slightly. Pillars were completely covered in flora, glass panes acted as fences where trees and shrubbery grew.

Leia walked in the direction of a staircase now.

"General, if I may ask, why did you ask me to tag along?" 3PO inquired.

"Like I told you, we're headed for the Congress, so if someone starts speaking in a language that isn't Basic, you can translate it." Leia responded as she ascended the steps.

"But, wouldn't they already have translators?"

"I'm not the most popular in the Congress, so I'm anticipating someone purposely translating something inaccurately."

"Ah! A genius strategy!"

Leia chuckled as she made her way to a balcony's bench. Like on the first floor, trees and flowers were present, with vines hanging off the balcony's edge.

The person she was waiting for was Dinha Jahr, a woman Leia had mentored during her early years in the Chamber of Delegates, the lower division of the New Republic's government. Jahr's parents, both retired doctors, were survivors of the destruction of Alderaan who happened to be on Cloud City during the calamity.

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