Chapter 15 - Kylo Ren's Motives

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Rey awoke from her unconscious state, having no idea how long she'd been forced to slumber. She tried moving her arms and legs but saw that she was restrained in a room. She then noticed Kylo Ren staring at her, presumably having just entered the room.

"Where am I?" Rey demanded.

"You're my guest." Kylo Ren responded, ignoring her question.

"Where are the others?"

"You mean the murderers, traitors, and thieves you call friends?" Kylo Ren asked. "You'll be relieved to know I have no idea."

Rey's mind began to wander on where Finn was at the moment.

"Rest assured, FN-2187 will be executed soon enough." Kylo Ren stated, having read Rey's mind.

A new thought conjured itself in Rey's mind. Like the teedoes of Jakku, she pictured herself slaying the vile beast before her.

"You still want to kill me. . ."

"That happens when you're being hunted by a creature in a mask."

Kylo Ren remained silent. He looked like he was about to take his mask off but stopped.

"No. . ." He muttered to himself.

Rey glanced at Kylo Ren as he said that, then looked at the presumably locked door.

"Tell me about the droid." Kylo Ren demanded.

"He's a BB unit with a selenium drive and a thermal hive scamp indicator—" Rey replied sarcastically.

"He's carrying a section of the map to Skywalker. We have a hunch that the Sentinels has the full thing, and I'm positive you convinced the droid to show it to you." Kylo Ren interrupted. "You. A scavenger." He added condescendingly.

Rey looked down at the floor, feeling slightly inferior.

"You know I can take whatever I want."

Kylo Ren then placed his gloved hand close to Rey's head. For her, it felt like a heavy object was being pressed against her skull. All she could do now was strain in a futile attempt to resist the feeling.

". . .You're so lonely. . . you were so afraid to leave that place. . ." Kylo Ren said, peering into Rey's mind.

Rey struggled to move her head now. She began panting and sweating.

". . . At night, desperate to sleep. . . and your encounter with the teedoes. . ." He looked up at Rey now. "Quite the power you possess, very impressive." He said. ". . .And Luke Skywalker. . ." He chuckled. ". . .You feel like he's your long-lost father; he would've disappointed you."

"Get out of my head." Rey demanded, becoming enraged.

"I know you've seen the map. It's in there. And now you'll give it to me." Kylo Ren said, positioning himself in front of Rey now.

Feeling humiliated, Rey felt her blood boil.

". . .Don't be afraid, I won't kill you."

"I'm not giving you anything!" Rey resisted.

"We'll see."

Knowing that she had the means to fight back, Rey used the Force too, rising from her chair slightly, glaring intently at Kylo Ren. It was as if a shield had formed in between Rey and Kylo Ren now, constantly teetering toward either Force user. Sweat was beginning to form on Rey's forehead now as she used all her might to keep Kylo Ren out of her mind.

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