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TW: Blood, Manipulation, Depressive Thoughts

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TW: Blood, Manipulation, Depressive Thoughts. Read at your own discretion. (Important note on the bottom please don't skip that)


He set you down on the bathtub.

You felt the water ending just at your hip.

The warm water submerged at your skin did too little to give comfort as you watched the once clear crystal water start to taint with the mix of mud and dried blood swirling beneath your immobilized body.

You hugged your frail form, legs pressed at your chest and chin on your knees, you stared straight, looking at nothing in particular.

You couldn't think, couldn't speak, you felt devoid of everything. You weren't dead but you feel every bit rotten.

You thought dying might be more peaceful.

Ran was crouched beside the tub, cigarette at the corner of his lips bobbing, he had removed his stained blouse shirt but the blood was still splattered on his chest.

He'd look at you, his other eye veined and reddened, while the other looked fine, temple still bandaged from where you had assaulted him, he kept on checking your reactions but there was none.

His movements were precise and delicate, like he was afraid if he became rough you'd break down immediately. He understood you had been through a lot and he wanted to make this process as delicate as possible.

Using the attached shower head, he turned the water in a drizzle of soft patters against your skin. Careful to put it in first level or the hydraulics might scare you.

He slowly worked his way through your head, fingers combing on your scalp. You'd let out a hiss from time to time, feeling the wound still fresh and bleeding from where you bumped it on a rock when you fell on the pit.

The back of your head was now tangled, mixed with hardening mud and also your blood and Ran kept a progressive movement, waiting for the water to soften the mud until the tub started to fill from the running water and you were close to submerged with the accumulated dirt.

Legs That Won't Walk (Ran Haitani)Where stories live. Discover now