0.19 𝔇𝔢𝔞𝔡𝔩𝔶 𝔇𝔢𝔠𝔦𝔰𝔦𝔬𝔫𝔰

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       "All of this was because of me.." You say, staring at the dairy in your hands. No tears left your eyes anymore. You felt devoid of anything to feel anymore.

Ran stared at you, assessing you, felt every bit of heartbreak just as you did. He didn't want you to know because this is how you'd feel, you'll blame yourself for it.

"You have to take me back."

And also this was his nightmare.

"You have to take me back. You can't keep me here anymore." You repeated.

"I can't let you leave, y/n! We can finally have something we wanted!"

"You have to bring me back! Look around you, nothing is going to end up the way we wanted it!"

"It's just a slip up, baby please, I can make this work!" Ran persuaded.

"No, Ran. It's not something you can fix." You cried out to him, he held your hands kneeling in front of you, anything but this. "Hey.." You coed at him, "It's okay. We did have what we wanted, we got a house, I got to wake up every morning with you, and love you, and it's the best thing ever.."

"Please, Y/n. I can't let you leave me like this."

"I'm not leaving, I'm letting you go. What we wanted might not have lasted but I'll still cherish those little moments with you." Who would know that a monster like me could ever have the chance to feel again.

"My love, our love won't be forever, but you'd be my always.." You say to him.

Ran hugged you, kissed your forehead as he was barely trying to hold everything together.

"If this is what you want.." He mumbled through pained breaths, there was still slight reluctance in your eyes but you nodded.

It was for the best, not only for the people's safety, but also his.

"I'll call the facility, and have them pick you up tomorrow.." He said with a heavy heart, and you nodded thanking him and kissing him gratefully.

Ran stared at you as you slept that night, through the illuminance of the moon he memorized every curve and every mole on your face. This might be the last time he'll see you this close beside him, wrapped around him, breathing down your scent, he was afraid he'd forget it. And he couldn't understand how you slept so well knowing you'll be separated soon.

His hand caressed the skin in your shoulder, rubbing soothing circles.

He dialed on his phone, the facility's number blinking on the screen, until someone picked up.

"Hello, Shallow Martyrs Mental Healthcare facility, how may we help you?" The answer engine responded, and Ran looked back at your sleeping figure. He sighed heavily, how precious you were to him. The sense of greed slowly grew within him. Ran had always given you what you wanted, what was best for you, but he was a greedy greedy man by nature. "Hello?" The answer engine asked again..

And it took him a few seconds to feel his grip on your shoulders tightened.. Before hanging up the call and calling another number.

"Fuck it's 2:00 in the morning what the fuck do you want now?"

"I need your help.."

Legs That Won't Walk (Ran Haitani)Where stories live. Discover now