Brother Pt.2

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  "STOP!" I scream.
  The large being turns away from Jeremy and looks straight at me. Immediately I tell that he isn't Bear as I initially thought.
  "Oh shit."
  As the creature takes a step toward me, I quickly throw my gun to the ground along with my backpack. I hold my hands up in the air as an extra sign that I mean no harm.
  The creature then stops in it's tracks, then just stares at me the same way Bear did.
  As I slowly lower my hands, a clicking noise echoes through the trees. It's close by.
  A loud crash followed by the ground shaking makes me shriek and fall, splashing mud all over my side.
  I look up and see Bear staring down at me. The light from the claps of thunder flash over him a few times, making him even more intimidating than usual.
  Even though my entire body was trembling, I slowly got up to face him.
  "C - can you u - understand me?" Kind of a dumb question, but I have been genuinely curious about whether or not they can speak english.
  Bear tilted his head at me, then looked from me, to the other one and back to me again.
  "Stay out of my way.." Grant's voice crackled from Bear.
  It must've been a pre recording or something. Does that mean he's been watching me this entire time?
  Bear then looks up then walks right past me like I wasn't there and right toward Jeremy.
  As he strides to him, that large blade shoots out of his gauntlet.
  "NO! DON'T!!"
  I sprint and grab his arm to try and pull him away from Jeremy. Bear whips his head around and let's out a loud growl then steps right up to me.
  "Please.." I pant, "j - just let him go. Then we'll never bother you again."
  Bear clenches his fist. He clicks at me for several seconds. After a long time of akward silence, he turns back around and unleashes his blade again.
  I swiftly move past him and do the stupidest thing I've probably ever done. I get in front of Jeremy, then spread my arms out as wide as possible. Bear stares down at me, most likely dumbfounded.
   "I will NOT let you hurt him! He's not even armed!"
   Bear doesn't say a word. Neither of them do. I see Bear clench his fist so hard it looks like it would bleed. Then I notice him do something.
   It was quick and subtle. I look up and he does it again.
   He nods at me. Just one though, not a nod of aknowlegement. It's more like he's trying to tell me something. Or warn me.
   He does it again, pointing his head directly at the ground.
   The ground?
   Get down!
   My eyes widened as he swung his blades toward my head. I duck, landing belly first in the mud. I hear something snap, then a yelp.
   I look behind me and see Jeremy rolling around, trying to get out of his bindings, caking himself in dark mud.
    There's a loud roar, I get up and help Jeremy to his feet, then we're stopped. The second alien - thing marches right toward Bear, pushes him aside, then stares at us. At least, staring at where we were.
   For whatever reason, he doesn't see us. Even though we're right in front of him, he doesn't notice.
   I motion for Jeremy to be quiet, then start to back up. Me and him take very slow steps backward. We almost make it to the woods.
   The other creature growls like a large crocodile, then whips toward Bear. The two of them then began doing what looked like arguing, just with roars and rapid clicks.
   Now's my chance.
   While they were still going off at one another, I drag Jeremy into a bush then crouch beside him. The two of us stay there until the two eventually calm down and leap away into the storm.

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