I fell For the drummer

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There he was in the background
Had headphones to protect his ears

The bass got me moving

Bum dum bum bum bum dum

All my friends swooning for the lead guitarist
Him giving them a show
With his nice voice, winking so ambiguous  and to anyone  really (not like my drummer)


The drummer barely aware of the crowd
I could tell.

The notes hit hard and slam it down
Moved the song along

I moved to his beat
Not to their notes, and lyrics,

But to His bass

Feel it moves us even thought he pays me no mind

The passion in-between his fingers
The real star

Humble may he be

Try to move closer
Let it sink in my bones

Become one with his movements
Perfect timing

Waiting patiently with his band

Knew when to break
When to sped up the tempo

When to match the vocalist

Can't be help,a girl, this girl, me
Yes it's true

I fell for the drummer

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