My love

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My love

You once told me
There was a time before us

I could not comprehend
To me

We were all

That ever existed

I just a mere mold of clay
Sprung to life when your lips gave my lungs air

You told me tales
Of darkness and light but
You believed that god's light was dimming, fading
Losing to the dark that's when

He put you to slumber and fitted your needs with me

I was everything you needed to realize god was winning

I reminded you of his great unfading light

I was yours and you were mine
in love
All was beautiful

Everyone learning and doing. Playing. When suddenly

The curse accrued, the trickster came and went

And I was sent out to be protected
Your heart broke
As did mine

My memory erase of all what Eden brought

In an earth we were put miles and miles away from the other. For we could not die.

I was whole but lost for ever looking knowing I was missing a pieces but from what and where

I did not know

A great despair I did fall into
Almost losing all hope

When you came back into my life

At first we didn't recognize the other aside from that we were sweet to each


Great pain pity against us in due time to bring back great strength

Then winter came and I could no longer hid from you once more


A resolution bought a resolved but you hungered for more while I was content.

A friendship renew with spring colorful flowers
A theme of you and I

But you had your secrets as did i but different.

My secret was belonging to God again

Yours was that you've fallen into sin once more

They tried to thwart our friendship ruin you and I

But it was no avail
I was the stronger bond.

Never had done this before spoke with my Lord for the right choices on how to handle us

When He reminded me who I was and now I was on a mission

A mission to save a lost king- you
No worry for us
anymore, just you.

That's how great I feel for you
Even I can't fully comprehend it
It was a magic but

You on the verge of death, no worse you on the verge of perishing: FOREVER

The world would erase you not a single thought of you ever again

My soul could not take losing you for eternity not when I finally found you. But to gain you back I must give in and up to the one and only

The King of kings
He who brew.
My Messiah.

Once you saw Our truth and the paths that little seed grew once again!

She so tiny
Just a condiment really
They called her
but she saves millions

You gave into your prayers
Kneel and grovel
Demand a response
Tears freely flowing

Now you see Me.


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