Bipolar depression vs Insurance...

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They don't care
All I am is a paycheck
New year renewals abound
Deductibles first of the month

Insurance changes with no warning
One day I'm covered then next thing I know I have no coverage

Changed doctors so I could abide to their claims

Now I have to deal with their financial mess

They told me I have to be monitored while on meds
But expect me to pay when I was explicitly told I have insurance and the copays would be zero

All these people
From my psychiatrist to the agent only see me as a fucking dollar sign

They don't care
All they want is my hard earn money

Who cares about her aliment that bring demons to her world  and leave her confused in a daze of haze

Their guidelines changes to maintain their gains while I lose stability.

We met you with profession she claimed but treats me like I'm just a check? One that needs cashing before any help be had.

When I not the one at fault for your lack of policy doc!

Putting all the burden on me? You should have been better equipped!!! Instead you blame me for their lack of funds how unjust it is for me

But luckily for you I'm a first born daughter of immigrants: I will fix what needs to be done with no help by your side because clearly your lacking but know this our patient relationship has been scarred due to your failings
I will bear the weight because I know your race entitles  you. I was born out of a struggle and you can't deal with lacking funds for awhile while I sort what they have done to me?

Thought you took the oath to take care but seem to me your specialty is green greed.
Who cares about my consequences due to their failings of the system

Established for my care was it not? The insurance

leave me out in the cold
Treat me like I'm dust
Just a speck
Just another number out of the millions

The cracks are definitely showing. And somehow they expect me to accept fault when it wasn't my doing?

They hinder me and now I must battle my bipolar depression along side insurance.
2 against 1.

An unfair fight with me with at a disability
Do I even have a chance?
When clearly their voices overpower my own
Who on my side? Stand-alone am I.

But I won't let them walk all over me

And I'll be damn if I let them win over me

It's me vs them
And they shall see who's really in charge
I won't lose to them.

I will rectify what they tried to take.

I won't let any take me under, not my mental health, not my insurance, not my gains.

And somehow they will pay one way or another for letting me suffer.

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