Death's season

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Death season's

Life was bright
Full of colors
Blue was so true
Green was so earthy
Warmth surrounds me in you're arms; now it cool without your embrace.

Then the season changed
And you're gone once more
And colors don't seem that beautiful anymore

All around me shades of grey come to light

My love decay

But isn't this normal? This is what was expected? Was it not?

Nothing lasts.

But isn't that the point?

I use to hate that season

But once I found myself there again wiser and older I view it with open eyes

As impossible as it might seem

There's love here.

It's just a different season
Can't fault nature for that

Because of death
That's when new spring can come up

Death brings new hope and a chance for change and new color to arises.

So I will live in the seasons until it time to change once again like always can't forget it's a cycle. So I move on and live in the seasons time.

And all without you.

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