My advice that I giving to you

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I hope
You can hear the music
while you read
what I write

What magic do I have
Must you ask?

It's a talent
I do have
And I love to share

So I will let you in
And give you some

Letting all the secrets out
So please don't fret

For its all
All too
plausible to learn from what I got

It's all my trust
All my love

That goes
to my God
My one and only

And to that
The spirit does rejoice
And brings it to fruition

And the blessings be abound

I am read
like an  open book
No hidden agenda
Or so I say

Then I just arrange what's I've been taught
To make it just my own
The possibility do be endless
With no limits

Though it's still call; a skill
So there must be practices and failed attempts
To help learn
To grow

And if you wanna know more
All you really have to do is
Just ask
Then you'll see

It's true
Simply oh so true
So just believe
What do you got to lose?

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