Dead body here. Beware!

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Cyclea Morana POV:-

Elated from everything, his suit, his way of parting his wavy hair from his forehead, his cute 'Never trust an atom, it makes up everything' tie. I felt on top of the world, everything was rushing back, how he got a Mariachi band, got all my friends together, then he knelt on one knee and said everything I had ever wanted to hear "You are the most charming woman, I have ever met in my life, you make the world brighter for me, would you give me a chance to do the same for you forever, will you marry me?" I remember a tear dropping down my eye and I nodded and then said 'Yes,' then a bit louder 'YES,' then I yelled "YES!!!."

The memories stung now. Everything great 24 hours ago was now shattered. Suddenly, my eyes opened and what I saw was terrifying. Darkroom, television still going on it played the show 'Office,'  crimson carpet...wait it was a white carpet it was as if some liquid had fallen on it, something red. I touched it and the sticky sensation reminded me of honey, then it suddenly clicked for me, it was blood. A pool of blood lying on that carpet. I scattered away from the blood. Standing up so suddenly gave me a headache. It was as if I was hungover.

Another sensation stung, I knew that carpet. It was my carpet! It was my room! Whose blood was it? I flicked on the lights and everything seemed so shiny, so hot just like the sun in the morning. My knees were wobbly, so I grabbed the top of the chair as my makeshift cane and stepped forwards towards the blood. Slowly, I sidestepped around it. Revealing it was the blood of my fiancee. He was lying still in the kitchen, with a knife stuck to his abdomen and blood slowly wheezing out of it. 


"An eye for an eye, makes the whole world blind." 

-M.K. Gandhi

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