Shit list (Pars Duo)

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Do you know when people say if one day one humongous, horrible, disgusting, tragic, devastating thing happens, suddenly nothing seems more scary and sad than that?

Sadly, that is not even close to the real thing, even if you are shaking nervously because your life partner died, life shows you no mercy and drags you back to reality. Sometimes, reality can be comforting just not in the way one thought was ever possible.

Donovan's POV:-

Oh my god. They found the body. So, I guess the hunt is over. So should I stop the car? I feel I should stop the car. After thinking about all this I realized I said nothing out loud, so I stopped the car and turned the ignition off. Then the only thing on were the headlights of the car and the eerie sounds you hear in a forest. Sound of your heart beating, furiously.

"What happens now?" Cyclea asked but her eyes didn't twitch, her fingers didn't shake, and her legs aren't moving more viciously than before. But to be pretty accurate, her legs were shaking viciously before, wait what am I thinking? She's not taking this seriously. She's not scared of this. I need to make her realize how scary it is. She could end up in jail. How it will damage her life. Forever! 

"Well, they find the body, they report it. Detectives come forward, ask everyone how your husband behaved, they'll try to find the next of kin which is you, and when they find out today was your day of engagement their first thought would be that you were kidnapped in a house invasion until..." I couldn't complete my sentence I wished I had water in the car, oh I should have taken a couple of drinks from that teenager and put it in the car, at least I could drink something.

"Until what?"

"Until you become the prime suspect because they would think that you killed him, and that would take about 24 hours until they get some forensic evidence to tie you to the body, or some witness if they haven't already."

"Okay, and after that?"

"Well, they will put a BOLO out for you meaning that the state of Arizona will look for you, stay away from you, and consider you a murderer until the police find you. Then they'll ask you for any evidence for the truth you tell them because they'll think the killer in black is a story you made up after you killed your fiance." I said it all with a straight voice, a cold shoulder, someone who was not a friend, someone who was telling her the cold hard honest facts of the case, because that's the only thing I could do, to help her.

"But I didn't kill him!"

"To the police, there won't be a difference because you wouldn't be able to explain why you ran away after your fiance's murder."

"So, I need to find him in 24 hours, okay." 

"Yeah." Wait what did she say, I took a second and realized she was still going to chase after him so I did the only thing I could I raised my voice. It turned out I scream like a girl.

"Yeah, no! No, NO, NOOOOOOOO.We are not still going after the guy."

"Well, should I add to find him in 24 hours on the shit list?"

"No, it makes you more paranoid, wait, WAIT, don't distract me, you are still not going after the murderer. You heard what I said right? You could go to jail."

"Yeah, yeah Blah-blah I could go to jail, get a death penalty for first-degree homicide, but if I find the killer, he'll go to jail."

"How do you know all that? AND That's a pretty big IF and none of us are detectives! Why aren't you scared, I was not even there and I am petrified!" Saying that scared me a bit more than before.

"Take deep breaths, in through your nose out through your mouth." The moment she said that I could see some black spots in my vision, something darkening around the edges. Like watching a movie through 3D glasses except that movie is life.

"I KNOW HOW TO BREATHE." Saying that suddenly my heart started thumping, and my ears started ringing that's when I came face to face with the possibility that I really might not be breathing. Maybe.

"Okay, then why aren't you doing it?" C said.

Right then, I was going to say don't teach me how to BREATHE but instead, those dark spots in my vision increased in size and until everything turned to a darker shade and I didn't realize it because everything around us was really black. Then my body slumped, I remember something hitting my head and I don't remember anything anymore.


5 Minutes later

"It' okay." Cyclea said.

"What now, you are a nurse and a detective?" I said as my vision finally cleared.

"Yeah, and now you got to walk, the house is right around the corner." I followed her finger and saw a big giant one storey gigantic house, it had almost 20 windows and electricity and music in the middle of the forest. There was light so there must be food so there must be beer.

"That's where we need to go." I was in no position to walk, I almost had a panic attack, I was absolutely petrified, scared to death, about ending up in jail, ruining my career and all I could say was

"Sure?" What did I say sometimes life kicks us in the nuts sometimes we do it ourselves. This time it was mostly because of a beer.

I heard a bang as C got out of the car. "Heyyyyy! Careful, I love my gorgeous jeep!" Nothing could happen to my car. Heaven and hell need to turn over for something to happen to my car.

"Why do you care about it, it's a gazillion year old car." C came to my side and opened my door.

"What a gentle-women, the car has an emotional value." I wasn't lying, the car was related to my past. Saying that C helped me get out of the car. She took my shoulder and helped me walk towards the beer/house. That's the first time I really noticed the dress she was wearing, it fit her perfectly around all her curves and she looked pretty even after crying almost all night, and here she was helping me.

"Should I knock." C asked.

That's when I realised we hopped a fence, walked atleast 5 metres and left my car on, while I was looking at her dress. Maybe time was a little funny for me. But again, before I could say anything a door opened and a man came out.

Ginger hair, ginger beard, cold, black eyes and when thick around the waist and pointing a shotgun at us. And wearing red cowboy boots.


"WHAT THE HELL DO YOU WANT?" He screamed and I collapsed for the second time today.
If the story has right ending, people may forget this entire chapter.
- Blacklist

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