It will never be the same

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Cyclea's POV:-

It's all happening too fast but for once I am ready for it. Bring it to life. Someone killed Virgina Miller, if I am thinking right, it means someone's onto us. Which means I might be getting somewhere. Somewhere near the killer and someone is killing people to stop it. Stop me from discovering secrets. It means we are making progress, however horrible that sounds, it feels good to have progress. Have something.

We were already in the red jeep with Donovan driving recklessly not enough to care about the speed limit. Driving for his life. I understood it. Of course, I did, anyone would because the stakes just went higher. Through the damn roof. It isn't just about finding the killer; it's about saving ourselves while finding him.

Catching the killer isn't in my wildest dreams anymore, it feels like a possibility. Impossible but still a possibility. I earned hope and it had everything to do with life or death. "Donovan let's go to Chatam's house on Elmond Street. I know the road I'll guide you." I spoke.

"What the hell C, we are going nowhere but to the police if you don't tell me what is happening right? This. Fucking. Second! That lady just died in front of us and you want to go on Elmond Street, why the fuck did someone shoot her, why was no one there?" Donovan said. I was ready for these questions as frustrating as they were, even though I didn't have any of those answers, I owed it to Donovan to tell him the truth about how much I knew. I owed it to him. The truth.

"Stop the car!" I yelled. The next thing I hear is a screeching sound and everything comes to a halt, I was glad that I was wearing a seatbelt because if not I would have been slammed out of that windshield. For the first time, I noticed that Donovan's forehead was covered with his dirty, curly, blonde hair glistening with sweat fear, and palpitations. His crystal-clear sapphire eyes searching for the truth mashed with his grey sweatshirt and black jeans. Although now they were splattered with blood. And I looked down on my blue dress wondering if any blood splattered on me fortunately, it didn't. But I knew my hands were covered in blood.

"Listen to me; it is all a lot; but you need to trust me okay."

"C you are scaring me and I am already petrified from what happened back there! I can't trust you if you don't tell me what the hell is happening." Donovan said with complete curiosity in his eyes almost having an instinct about the story scarring and scaring him even more.

"Edmond is dead." saying that out loud, like a fact, a statement, makes it truer than I want it to be because a part of me still holds that hope if somehow, I get revenge he will be back, everything would be normal, I would still have a life with him, he'd still be there. Alive. Real. Not just a figment of my imagination. But now it'd never be the same. ' He died in front of my eyes, and I couldn't do anything." I tried to hold it in, by the dams had already given out the tears felt like little minuscules of pain, angst, and dreary and they just couldn't stay in anymore, there I was bawling on the shoulders of my best friend when I was supposed to be with my future husband in our house, our little apartment, our little abode. Home. I pondered if anything would ever feel like that again. It was so unfair. I was supposed to have a better life...

"Oh my god, I am so sorry C, did you see who did it? Are you okay? Oh my god." Donovan kept saying calming things but they didn't help. I couldn't stop crying the tears just kept falling, and I couldn't stop shivering. My body kept moving; it was as if the danger came now because before that I wasn't feeling anything. I was numb. Empty. But now the reality was here, and I couldn't ignore it anymore.

The silence lost its way and then it felt like I wasn't alone anymore. We were in it together. Me and Donovan against the world; but it wasn't supposed to be that way, it was supposed to be only me and Ed, just me and my Ed.

"We need to go to the police still C!" In a firm voice, Donovan said.

"No, we can't, I don't trust the police. They will think I killed him they always do that!" Falling back into a spiral I didn't want to, no, no, no. Be strong, Ed needs you. He needs you now more than ever, be reasonable and tell Donovan your side.

"The police won't believe me" with a cracking voice I replied. Breathe, breathe, let the tears roll. " I don'ggg, Ughhhh" Breathe, breathe. Take your time, and say it clearly. "I don't know the killer but I remember his outfit it was all black, I know it has something to do with the engagement party, something went wrong there and that's why Ed isn't here anymore, he is" I took a breath, you can do it, it will be okay. "He was a great guy, something happened at that party and someone is trying to hide that from me, that's why Virginia Miller died back there because she was about to say something, which someone didn't want me to hear."

"Are you even listening to yourself, I am so sorry Edmond died but C, you are not okay, you need to go to a doctor, then we need to go to the police, this is not okay, and why are you hunting down the killer? The police will do that, I will make sure of it, and especially not if everything you are saying is true, if someone is hunting down people to make sure you don't talk to them, then it makes it that more difficult. I am scared for you C!"

"No, listen to me the police will assume I am the killer, even if nothing is there, they will assume everything, assume that I am a gold-digger and I killed him. Then I will never find the real killer, and even if they don't, I am not waiting and hoping they'll find someone when I can do a better job at that. I won't have to do it legally. The first 24 hours are crucial and I need to find the killer as fast as I can. Going to the police isn't even an option. I don't care how dangerous it gets; I will do anything for my Ed."

"C, it's not safe and maybe Virginia Miller's death isn't connected and maybe nothing that happened in the last 24 hours is connected. Maybe it's all an accident."

"I saw it happen. It was a cold-blooded murder; he shoved a knife down my Ed for god's sake. I am doing this Donovan with or without you."

"Okay, I will be there with you all the way, but we'll be safe from now on let me get my gun from my house. But after this all ends, we are going to the police and that's not an option."

"We can't go to your house, it will take time which I don't have, which Ed doesn't have. We'll go to the police but only after everything ends!"

"Deal, but why didn't you tell me all this before?"

"I thought I was going crazy; it was all in my head, but there is something here and even if there is an ounce of truth here, I'll dig it up."

"C, you are not okay."

"I know but I will be." I hope I will be. Breathe just breathe.

"But what about the mystery killer?"

"I don't know about that; I need to figure out the pieces of that story because before dying Virginia Miller said she saw my Ed meeting with MS. Geneva who lives at Chatam house on Elmond Street."

"Okay, we'll figure it out C, we'll do it!"

"Now let's go to Chatam house on Elmond Street. Fast."


Some people are destined to fall in love with one another, but not be together.

- Anonymous

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