Coming out from the shadow

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Cyclea's POV: -

There isn't any time to grieve I'll have plenty of time to do that later but right now I should do the only thing that matters, finding the killer and ripping his heart out like he did to me. I stood up with fierce angst and with a clear determination of what to do next.

"So, what to do now? Let's pack our bags and go home." Donovan said.

"No, not when we finally got a lead." The wood felt soft beneath my skin and the room was decorated with pictures of the kids having fun all attached on a single thread roaming all around the ceilings maybe people didn't need chandeliers to remind them how beautiful life can be maybe memories did that by themselves.

"What's the lead?" Everyone in the house spoke altogether that's when I realized everyone looked to me for an answer, I didn't have one yet but I trusted Edmond would. He had to!

"Edmond somehow got into massive money, he never told me how much; I know it was just enough." I put enough strain on those words so everyone understood what I was telling. All those sparkly ruby rings, those dazzling beaming necklaces filled with myriads of diamonds. Extremely wealthy was an understatement. He had done his fair share of expanding his business but; he came from old money; anyone could see that.

"It doesn't matter how he got the money, just what he was going to do with it." The mom replied.

"You are thinking one of his competitors wants to kill him?" The dad no longer with the gun commented.

"But, which competitors, I knew Edmond had money, but after he came to Arizona, he dipped his hand in quite a few businesses and soared to the sky. Everyone gained something from killing him, shares dropping, and new business opportunities becoming more available to them. Anyone with a pulse could have done it in Arizona."

Donovan looked at him with a crooked eye as if saying how do you know all that.

"What! I like to dabble now and then into news, I might be old but I know everything happening." The dad no longer with the gun had a point.

Honestly, it was astonishing, to say the least, out of a partygoer, a gossiping lady, a rich family, and a cop someone living in the woods knew more information than any other. Then me. Was it okay if I was jealous of Gun George?

"Then let's make our pool of suspects smaller," I said, confidence oozing out of my body, nothing could tamper with my mission anymore.

"What if someone just wanted his money?" The goth girl said.

"No, Ed didn't keep jewels in the safe just important documents, and even if anyone wanted something he would have given them that in a blink of the eye, this felt more personal."

"What if it was about something recent?" Dim said

"He wanted to make a deal with Millers, although what was so important to him that he did it during your engagement? What if it was about that?" Sum said like finishing his brother's thought.

"Oh my god, how could have it slipped my mind, their daughter didn't know what the deal was being made, and if it wasn't extremely important, Ed would never ever not in a million years do work while our engagement." He loved me enough to keep business and personal separate. I was damn sure of that.

"We have to go back to my house," I said, wondering how many police officers, medical examiners, neighbors, and other infinite dangers were lurking at the step of my house.

Waiting for their prime suspect to show up, and now I would hand them that on a silver platter.


Courage isn't having the strength to go on -

It is going on when you don't have the strength.

- Napoleon Bonaparte

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