When grief kicks in

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Cyclea Morana POV:

His body was blue, still oozing blood slowly. I didn't have to check his pulse. I already knew he was dead. The grief, the panging sensation in my gut it felt like a knife was stuck there. I couldn't hold back her tears. It just all came down together. My life fell apart.

It all came flashing back to the first time we met. How I had dropped my black coffee on his white shirt. How he thought I was still pretty and asked me out on a second date. How he thought I was the most beautiful woman in the world. How he still trusted me; after even I couldn't tell him everything! He trusted me! I couldn't believe how I got so lucky!

"It can't happen to me! Not again!" yelling that I stood up. I will find out who did this to you, and they'll pay. Saying that I rubbed my eyes which were almost swollen from all the swelling. This wouldn't happen to me, I would find a way out of this. I would find my closure and make the killer feel my pain. What was pulsing down my veins? The anger, the betrayal, everything! He would feel my wrath. I hadn't screamed yet because I was going to pour all my energy, into everything I had until I crumbled to dust to find the killer. Whoever they are will suffer! Should suffer. An eye for an eye!

Saying that I looked around, I had been through this enough times to know how to see and what to see. Police would be here soon, somebody would have called them because he would have wailed when he was stabbed. "Oh my God, he would have been in so much pain, and I couldn't help him! No! Not, feeling sorry for yourself right now! Right now, you need to focus! Think what the police would think." I said that to myself.

I looked at the door it was unhinged, not damaged, it meant that we knew his killers and welcomed them into our home. Our home! Or they were skilled. They knew what to do! What was it? What was it? I tried to remember anything but the past 24 hours were just a blur. I needed to remember what happened but my brain just wouldn't help me. It wasn't on my side anymore? So who was? I took a quick look at the room, remembering all the details, everything meticulously. I wanted to forget it all, but if I tried, I couldn't. I had to find the murderer, I had to know if he did any mistakes. Something that would help me catch him. Anything! I looked in the mirror and saw my bloody hands, his blood. All gushing red. What happened? Did he? Did I? I hadn't dared to finish that thought. Wait, police. Think! I rushed to the sink and cleaned it up without moving anything else.  

The crime scene shouldn't be moved. I remembered.

I quickly grabbed my purse and let my phone stay in the apartment,  with my fiancee, dead fiancee. Not even a husband yet. Right, the phone! It should stay, they might track me! I ran out of the building and took a cab to Mayfield 16th Street. To Donovan's house. A cop and my high-school best friend! Someone I needed right now.


"We're are all bad people. That's the only thing we have in common."


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