Bottomless void

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Cyclea's POV: -

I was preparing myself for the dejection while the unexpected yelling was about to start any moment. It was going to happen any second, with people screaming and calling me a lunatic because the idea was very clearly a crazy one indeed. The kids eyed me like I had lost half my brain, and the eerily calm surprised me. My senses became on high alert from the pristine silence, oh god! Did all of them lose their mind?

When the silence became too much a croaked sound broke it, I half expected that was Donovan turns out it was George the dad, he was laughing like lightening struck him, like it was the last day of his life, his whole body was moving up and down, after a while he grabbed support of his wooden chair just to stay upright. He kept signalling a finger to me to depict a second, but then his wife nudged him showing that I was serious. Then he finally shut up, and all his kids looked at each other, Dim and Sum even gave me a thumbs up showing they approved.

"Let's go!" Donovan replied from the far corner of the room; he looked like he had done fathomless work on it. Like he looked at every nook and cranny and thought of every possible scenario, and he agreed that this was the only path.

One which was going to fill me with immeasurable pain, I couldn't see his body again, but it would be covered with a white cloth right, that's what they did.

That's what they did to Dad.

"I am sorry. There's nothing more we can do."

I stood there, tears pooling around my eyes. I saw as the life drained away from his eyes, and the spark every time he laughed was gone. Every time he said I love they just stayed as lifeless black beads, one which had no emotion anymore. One which had no space for me anymore. One which didn't look for me anymore.

"We have to get there fast before they move the body and lock the crime scene. It's the only way." Donovan said dragging me back to his reality, my reality.

The way he acted all through the night I could help but be gratified, and extremely grateful for him just being there. He was a police officer. Technically he wasn't a detective he was just on patrol, but he had a duty to help the police find a fugitive aka me! He also never complained throughout the night even when I kept giving him one ridiculous idea after another. He had my back, he never refused to help me even when he so desperately wanted to. So, I became alert when he said he agreed with one of the most absurd decisions I ever made.

"Really?" I questioned, viewing him with every bit of suspicion I had, this night was a tortuously long one and I had made quite a mess, and going back to the root of it wasn't a good idea. Even I knew that.

"It's the only way out of this mess, I conclude!" He said in a razor-sharp voice, his eyes deep with concern for what I couldn't tell if was it about me losing my mind, or was it because if he got caught; he would probably not have a way out of this mess, jail for me was sure either way but he was risking his career for nothing.

"D, you should stay here, it's better that way when the news dies down. You can come back and stay with your mom." Bitterness cut that last sentence it barely came out while I started sobbing, I couldn't take anyone else down with me first Ed, now him, no way was that going to happen.

"No, no way!" He said if he read my thoughts. I wondered if I thought it out too loud.

"I am coming with you, it's as much your fight as it is mine. Besides, you can't do it without me, I know the detective I know how to get in and out." He said, voicing my concern.

"Okay, okay back down." George the dad said.

"What if you get caught?" As if on point Amor questioned me.

"I'll take the blame."

"What if the killers catch you?" Ron questioned.

"I escape or die, at least I'll find who killed him."

"What happens if you get what documents you are looking for?" Batman said.

"It leads me closer to the killer."

"What if someone – Dim said,

"Else dies?" Sum completed his sentence.

"No one will," I promise you. My eyes displayed pure honesty and vulnerability everything it had been hiding. The truth was I couldn't save myself but I would make it damn sure no one would die on my watch. Not again. Never again.

"What happens if you can never figure it out who killed him?" Pamela the wife said. I didn't have an answer for that one, I had to do it.

"You know, me and Ed used to have mysteries for each other to solve, always had to have the last word. There were trails of clues everywhere. Those clues were always about us, related to us. His favourite coffee was a cappuccino because that's what he was drinking on our first date. That's why he gifted me this ring." That's when I removed from my back pocket the second time and showed it to her dipped were pitch-black diamonds and shiny sterling silver.

"I owe it to him to try. Try every bit to now fill the bottomless void I have that he left me with. Growing every second."

"I had to try."


It's better to have loved and lost, than never to have loved at all.

- Alfred Lord Tennyson

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