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Cyclea's POV: -

"So, Katy, what do you remember about my engagement party, take your time, start at the beginning, and don't leave anything out," I questioned her.

"Well, what can you say I mean it wasn't that much of a party anyways, there were no pop stars; or even bands. I mean you didn't even try to make it good. Also, the guy next to me sneezed a lot; I mean a lot! If you have those people at your engagement. Mannn! No one's going to like it. And I don't even know you. Also, your outfit could have been so much better, have you ever heard of Sarah Whitener she creates such cool dresses out of organic material which you can reuse over the years it's not that green also; maybe a bit too expensive for your taste, I think but...." before she continued, I cut her off, raising my voice.

"Katy, would you please focus and try to remember anything about the party you saw that included my husband Edmond? Please" I tried to be polite about it but I might have sounded a bit like a condescending bitch.

"Sheesh, why do you have to be so rude about it, I was getting to that point. Couldn't you wait a minute, so there you guys were talking and laughing giving rings to each other and making a toast to your life. Your usual blah-blah.

Then a couple of minutes later, your husband or fiancée whoever that guy is goes to meet my parents in a different room, and they don't allow me in. Shady as shit right! It has like proper 'no-one should know kind of deal' with a sealed door, and men outside in suits who were waiting for I don't know, someone to come out of the room. Just then a waiter walks by carrying a huge champagne glass holding a yellow mimosa and OH MY GOD! That was so good! I ordered another one, and then another one, and then the crimson one, a controversial statement that one could be a bit better, just put a bit honey and garlic in it but-"

I cut her off a second time "Katy, will you please focus for one goddamn second! And that red mimosa was great." I might not remember my engagement but I definitely remember taste tasting and it was damn good, or so I thought!

"Katy, I am sorry for her rudeness, but will you continue with just specific details about what happened with your parents and Edmond, her fiancée," Donovan said to Katy. I guess a cop could do better than a widow. Weird right?

"Okay, but she doesn't have to be so rude about it, it's the 21st century, people don't even ask or call we just text at this point. So, when my parents and your Edmond talked for what like 5 minutes 'cause I probably drowned ten mimosas down by the time they came out of that room, they were all laughing and my dad was shaking his hand with your fiancée; like they just finalized a deal, and then my mum ushered me towards the back of the room and stopped me from drinking the mimosas; what the frick right! It's not illegal here I am almost......" She paused for a second then continued

"18; in a couple of months." After a pause, she said "Years."

"The legal age here is 21, and you are still 16," Donovan replied.

Katy continued, mimicking her mother's voice which I found to be of a very annoying high-pitched bird.

"Stop Katy, you aren't supposed to do that, stop Katy you are supposed to drink, what about our reputation? She always goes on like this. Stop Katy, don't get a boyfriend. Stop Katy, don't scratch your father's car. Stop Katy don't call house parties. Stop Katy, don't drink every drink in the house. Stop Katy, don't burn the house down."

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