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Cyclea Morana POV:-

Before I could think any further, I knocked on his door. I knew I couldn't back down. I needed him more than I would like to admit. 

"Breathing in, breathing out.

 You can do it. Just breathe, you can get through it.

Just a normal conversation between high-school friends. You can tell him.

Just breath.

 You need to do it for Edmond." I told myself.

 It was the first time, I said his name out loud after he died. It seemed like everything was going to break again. That somehow saying it now made it real, true, something that couldn't be reversed. Something I would have to live with forever. I couldn't do that to Donovan. I should just leave-

Before that thought finished, the door opened briskly but enough to see those sky-blue eyes that always held hope and faith in them. The sweet musky smell of almonds from his glossy blonde air. His thin rubble growing from his jawline was as sharp as a knife. 

"Cyclea, Oh my god. It's been quite a while. What are you doing here?" Donovan questioned.

So my husband got killed, in my house, tonight, when I woke up he was there surrounded by a pool of blood. Which I presume is because of the events of the last 24 hours, which I remember nothing about absolutely, nothing! Also,  I promise I didn't kill him or I don't think so. Then I ran straight to here. So how's your day been?

Instead of saying all that I tried something easier. Something everyone does is a lie.

"I lost my engagement ring." A lie. I quickly stiffed the ring in my back pocket, I didn't want to take it off, but I wanted to get to the killer much more than Edmond's promise as he gave me the ring. 

And I drifted to our past "This is for you, only for you." Edmond said. It was the prettiest ring I had ever seen because it had a coffee cup shape. "Remember our first date. It represents our love, our symbol for each other, and how bad you are at holding things. You are clumsy. It shows the world that you are mine and I am yours. It's you and me against the world darling and this coffee cup will be there with you, whenever I can't be. It will show you something I never could express." My attention jumped to the present as Donovan continued...

"Umm, okay you can go to the station and file a report I am sure those officers are competent enough to handle it. I am off duty right now so-"

"It's important. We got engaged just yesterday." Everyone knew that. In this small town of Arizona, any news like this spread like wildfire. Everyone meeting for gossip giving their views on anything that should or shouldn't happen. I cared about what others thought, always. But losing the love of my life I didn't give a damn. They could shove their thoughts and opinion up their asses. I didn't give a damn. Funny how some things matter until you lose something that matters and you understand what a fool you had been.

"So, Edmond will kill me if I don't find it soon." What an ironic wordplay. "We are supposed to meet in the morning." Another lie. "The police won't find it that soon. And I am worried about what Edmond will do when I lost the ring he gave me just 24 hours ago. You are a real investigator, and you are the best at it." 

And you are also my friend, and I need you right now. Kept pondering it instead of ever saying it.

"So you want to look at it right now in the night, it's almost midnight Cyclea. I don't think it's such a good idea. You should just go home and tell the truth to your fiancee"

"Please Donovan, just for old times sake?" I replied

"No, let it go we'll find it tomorrow. Go to sleep today Cycle."

I knew he wasn't going to change his mind because he thought time wasn't the factor here, he thought it could wait a few hours. But it couldn't. The police would find Edmond's body soon enough and when they wouldn't find any suspect. They would think it's the fiancee, it is what always happened. But not this time. No. I would find the killer first. Another thing to think rather than say.

"Edmond will break up  with me if I don't have his ring." Another lie.

"What, why would he do that? You are the most beautiful, kindest person I know. He wouldn't break up with you just because you lost a ring. I am sure."

"No, because" words were jumbling in my mouth, ideas crawling through but only truth made any sense. So I continued.

"Because Edmond suspected that I was dating someone else and as soon as I got his money I'd run away. And yesterday was the engagement and now if I lose his 10 million dollar ring. He would-." I broke down into sobs. "I can't live without him." It was all true. Every single word. But it was all before Edmond died, now my priorities had changed, and I didn't want to keep lying to Donovan either so I reached a compromise. Half-truth it was.

"I'll get my phone, wallet, and car keys. We'll find that ring. Soon!" Donovan said.

The ring was a disguise to know what had happened yesterday and Donovan was my best bet at finding the truth. He had always been truthful to me and how was I repaid the favour? Another tide of guilt hit my stomach. It would always be half-truths with us. But it'll be worth it when I find the killer.


"The more you stare in the dark, the more you can see someone starring right back at you."


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