History is a mystery

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Donovan's POV: -

Whirlpool, whirlpool. Why does everything look like a spiral, and it's all black? Wait, why is it all black? I need to open my eyes. Let's go, 3....2....1, open it, wait too bright, too bright. I need to shut them. Wait, we'll try again, no giving up. Let's open the left one, nowwwW! Still too bright, it smells like blueberry.

"Heey, D is waking up." It sounded like a child said that, but only Cyclea calls me D.

"C?" I replied.

"Yeah, hey I am here, you are right. He finally woke up." This voice was definitely Cyclea.

I opened my eyes, and I was sitting well, it was hard to describe it, it had wooden floors, no wait, it was ACTUAL WOOD. Yikes! Wooden floors and a red-haired kid was staring at me. He had pretty freckles and blue eyes. Wait why is a kid staring at me? Wait one second, and then it came rushing back to me, a guy with a gun pointed at us, asking what the hell happened.... what happened after that? Oh right, I fainted. At that second, I saw Cyclea, she had changed out of her dress and she was wearing a reindeer outfit, just like the kid. How long did I faint for?

"WHAT HAPPENED? Never mind, all that matters is that we got away from the crazy gun guy. Right." I said and ultimately, my words came to haunt me, because just as I said that a guy came overhead of C, that beard those cold black seedy eyes, that spark of hatred ignited and I realized that was the gun guy, and I screamed.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhh! Run Cyclea, RUN!!!" Saying that I fled for my life, but a strong hand gripped me, I thought it would be the bearded guy, and we were both going to die! So, I turned to say C goodbye when I realized it was C who was holding my hand.

"Don't worry, we are not going to die, although about your lovely red jeep.."

"Yeah, what about it, I love that car?" I asked

"That car burned in flames," Cyclea said and it was like my heart torn into a million pieces and tore again, and again and again until I screamed, again!

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh! What happened?" That was when I finally started to understand the thing around me, the floor, the walls, the roof everything was made of wood. It was a treehouse.

There was more than one red-haired freckled kid too. One was sitting at the table near Cyclea, she was black-haired and was also wearing a reindeer-themed jacket. Was it Christmas already? Then I spotted another one, just like in the wild, one staring from afar, he was a bit older than the two before, but he was interested in everything I was doing, and he was holding a bat.

Then there was the maiden, the woman of the house, she was the only one who didn't seem interested in me, she was wearing an apron over her reindeer outfit, she had those blue eyes, and those luscious ginger locks, it was evident the kid got it from her. Then slowly my eyes turned to what I was sitting at, it looked like it was made out of wood, but it was so spacious and comfortable, one might have assumed it to be a bed, and then one of them said, "She could have done it." The sound came from behind me.

"She died, trying to give them crucial information." The voices came from two people sitting on a smaller round wooden ochre table, on each side, one kid was sitting with a time clock, as one said anything he clicked on the clock and the other's timer started. Like the people do in a debate. Except both looked similar, wait one second those were twins! They looked about 7-8, both had brownish eyes, and they were wearing the same reindeer outfit, their brown hair took me a moment to recognize because it was identical to every strand of their hair.

"Right, doesn't mean she orchestrated it and failed. Virginia's failing was evident." Wait, were they debating about who was the murderer?

"Who was she again?" The twin no.2 asked.

"The one who got shot. The stupid lady." Twin no.1 answered

"Right, right." Twin no.2 said.

"What the hell happened, and how did my car burn down in flames?" I screamed at C, who was calm until right about now.

"This is going to take a while to explain." Saying that she started.

"The kid who you saw at the start was Ron, the girl sitting beside me is Amor; the kid with the bat is Batman, the twins are Dim and Sum-"

The kids cut C and said, "Because together we make Dim sum." Then they joined their hands and formed a heart.

"AWwwwww." I said, no wait focus, my jeep burning!

"And the gun guy is George and his wife is Pamela.'

"So, what happened?" I asked

"This might take a while do you want a cake?" C asked


Being a functioning adult everyday seems a bit excessive.


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