May God help us all!

17 6 4

Bellator POV:-

"How far?" My voice echoed on the radio

"15 minutes sire!" A wistful voice said.

Not fast enough!

I could hear the tire tracks crossing uneven rocks as if it was sword-cutting grass. they were given black SUVs, with tinted windows and with enough horsepower to charge into a house. Still, it wasn't fast enough.

The headlights barely mounted to anything visible. Bushes seemed to be creeping up from afar, I could only imagine the gloomy and cataclysmic animals surrounding their wake. The smell of petrichor overpowered my senses. It was ridiculous driving into a godforsaken jungle hanging on to pure instincts to navigate their way through.

The employer had said to capture them as soon as possible but nabbing them in a house in the middle of the forest seems too wild for me to comprehend anymore. I wasn't letting any of my men into danger anymore. They would put an end to this situation but my way.

"Wait! Surround the Jungle and wait for them to get out!" I commanded; my voice strong enough to shake the hills

The voice crackled over the radio. It took my men two seconds to respond as if they were carefully estimating my order.

"Are you sure, sire?" Radio from Alpha One beeped meaning are you sure screwing with the employer. Hell, I didn't like my chances any more than the next guy, but I had to defuse the situation, and sending my men into a jungle wasn't the answer.

"Yes, wait for them to get out and then grab them," I spoke, making my hand massage my temple.

Everything on this mission had gone horribly awry, now I might have distressed my employer even further. Now the contingencies needed contingencies.

It was all because of Edmond. He shouldn't have taken the knife and stabbed himself; God this was a fucking mess.

One which I couldn't solve.


A sword never kills anybody; it's just a tool in the killer's hands.

- Lucius Annaeus Seneca

Killer in blackWhere stories live. Discover now