Scar from the past

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Donovan's POV: -

Cyclea started to explain, how someone burned down my lovely crimson car. Oh, Betty had a few more years to live, I shouldn't tell the others I named the car. The jokes will be endless with the kids here. "So, it all happened like this, after well you zoned out, -"

"No need to be kind Cyclea, just say he froze when he saw my gun and fell on his head and he might have peed a little?" George, guy with the gun said.

"Is that why I am wearing your Christmas pajama? wait a minute. I DID NOT PEE." I replied.

"Yeah, sure kiddo!" George, guy with the gun saw through my lies, he didn't have a gun right this second my mind refused to get that detail out of my head.

"Moving on, well I kind of froze a bit too when I saw that humongous rifle in your hand, so I tried to talk my way out of it." C continued.

"Dear no need to be kind to me too, she scared the shit out of me. Let me tell the story, at least I'll say it with the whole truth." George the guy with gun got scared by C, wow!

"It was dark, the kids were screaming, Amor was playing with the rifle, same yada-yada."

"Wait, what-?" The emo girl was playing with the rifle, and isn't your description a bit dramatic for real life, was supposed to be my sentence but the gun guy interrupted me.

"You insolent boy, don't disturb my storytime."

"He luvs his stories," Dim said. Or Sum, I didn't know.

"Yeah, he doesn't get to tell any more stories, since we heard them all." The other twin replied in a very soft voice.

"And you know nothing remotely interesting happens here, we live in the woods dude." This was the only thing I understood since the moment I got here.

"Yeah, right," I whispered.

"So, it was dark when I saw your headlight from the car, we figured the police, military, or the worst! NEW NEIGHBOURS!" George the gun guy yelled at the end.

"Really, worse than the military is new neighbors, I am sure you would survive?" I spoke

"DON'T INTERRUPT ME!" George the gun guy yelled.

"Right yeah, sorry." I would never admit it to anyone here but I think I am scared of George the gun guy.

"It's get crowded here." Dim Sum said together.

"Really?" I mouthed the words so no sound would come out, as if I was in a theatre both the twins nodded together.

"So, I got the rifle from Amor's hand, it was supposed the scare the new neighbors, but that was when I saw your stupid car." George the gun guy said.

"The police would have their car, the military wouldn't be seen and the new neighbors wouldn't be so stupid to show us their belongings, come on everyone knows you are not supposed to be seen in the woods."

"Is that a general rule?" I asked.

"I think so," C replied.

"So, I thought Ed came back, but then I remembered Ed died earlier today. So, someone knew my location so I was going to shoot and then ask questions later. But when I saw you, guys had no guns, I thought I would have some fun with you."

"Wait how did you know Ed died?" C asked them. I was also wondering the same thing.

"What if we wouldn't have access to the police radio? What kind of wanted people are we?"

"Wait, you are wanted?" I complained.

"Yeah, dude why do you think we live in the woods." Amor the emo girl said.

"One would wonder, a policeman won't fit on the sight of just a rifle. What if I had bought out a machine gun."

"I was tired okay. It has been a long day. Wait you have a machine gun too!" My brain was shrinking by the immense knowledge it was gaining and all the info pointing towards that this family is dangerous.

"Blah-blah scared police. So then as soon as I opened the door and screamed at you, well you fainted but C didn't even wink, well she let you fall but she took an arm and whacked the gun out of my hand, in my day people couldn't even get close to me, and she made me defenseless, I was impressed. She said and I quote word for word. What do you know about Edmond's past, tell me or I swear I will cut you up in so many little pieces that your dog can eat it. I never made threats as good as her. Well now is a good time to try. Donovan says another word, and I'll strap a bomb to you." George the gun guy looked into my eyes, and got weirdly close, and I think my face started shivering.

"Ahh, good enough. So, well I let C enter, give her new clothes and yours were wet because of peeing, so we had to change yours too, and then C explained everything to me."

"How does that all relate to someone burning my car," I asked.

"I am getting there kiddo." Am I the kiddo?

"So, I told C everything I knew about Ed. When I met Ed, this was when I was well wanted but I had changed my identity to a lawyer and was under the radar, but somehow Ed found out about let's say my mischievous past, and forced me to work for him. He was under 18 and had just moved into town, he wanted to be in foster care. He never told me about his parents or where they were, just that he wasn't from Arizona. He wanted a new identity, a do-over he said. Also, he wanted one more thing, he had a large sum of money with me, and he wanted me to say he got it as his inheritance, at 21. What, I don't get is that he could have the money anytime, but he wanted to make it white. He paid me handsomely for it. It was a simple transaction, you help me, I help you." George the gun guy said.

"So why did he come to ask you to come to his wedding? If it was his simple transaction?" I asked.

"Well, laundering money isn't like in the movies, I had to create backstories for the parents, show they made a trust fund, declare them dead so he could get into foster care, and then get his money, it took me at least 6 months to create a new identity for him, but till then he stayed with me. He made me his uncle he was barely 17, so me and Pamela took him under our care. He became family." George the gun guy said.

"So, he invited you to come to the wedding?" Cyclea asked.

"Yeah, but we couldn't risk you finding out about his past, so he asked you to stay out. We would be at the wedding in disguise of course. But it didn't work out." George the gun guy said.

"I was right, the killer in black was after Ed's money-" C said but before she completed George interrupted her and spoke.

"Or his past, he never told me how he got the money or anything about his parents. Maybe he stole it."

"Or he killed them," I spoke.


I hope life isn't a joke. Because I don't get it.

-Jack Handey

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