It's all bloody, everything

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Cyclea's POV:-

Before I turned around slowly, drastically accepting my only reality; I was going to die. The killer would be right behind me, and everything would end. Right there. A bullet hole would justify my life.

I wouldn't get my revenge. I wouldn't get anything. But when I finally looked around, there was no one on the entire road. Everything was empty! How could that be true? Where's the killer? So, who killed Ms. Geneva? Was I safe? Was Donovan safe? Was it related to who killed Edmond? It had to be. Right?

A chilly cold air passed my fluttering heart, and everything just went silent.  The only thing I could hear was my heart beating too fast; along with it, a chest huffing and puffing but not one breath would go in;  I was wheezing for oxygen.

The sound was blocked from my surroundings, silence became too heavy. When the rancid smell of the body, Ms. Geneva's body hit me; my head started turning, the headache, the blood splattered all over my hand, too bloody and it all came back Edmond laying flat on his back, blood oozing everywhere, wait why is the blood oozing?

Is he not dead?

A chuffy thought popped into my head. I can still save him, I have got time. My vision started getting a little blurry but I wasn't going to quit. I will save him. He was wearing a charcoal grey suit with cufflinks. He wore a white shirt underneath it but it wasn't white anymore the blood-soaked it up, and it turned crimson. The knife was there, just in his abdomen. He was in pain. But I was going to help. He will be fine this time. I tried moving my hand but it was stuck, I kept trying over and over again until only tears rolled down my cheeks; I couldn't move.

 Why? All I wanted to do was help him!

When I heard a wheezing sound. My vision went blurry; the colors were mashing together. It was as if my eyes were too heavy to lift. Edmond moved towards me his neck cracking on the way, that's when I realized I was laying just next to him, on the ground, on the bloody carpet.

Edmond was oozing and squeezing blood out of his body. Then he said something to me, I tried to tell him I am going to do something, he doesn't need to move. He doesn't need to say anything. I will save him, but my body was not corresponding to my brain. It had stopped, it was struck.  Then he said it louder to ensure I hear it, "Semper Invictus"; but he was not looking at me he was looking upwards. Talking to someone standing above him. Who was standing above him? The murderer?

So, I turned my head, to ask for help from the person, and I saw him not long before he shoved the knife deeper into Edmond's stomach and Edmond just stopped moving. He just becomes stiff.

 "No!" I yell rattling what's left of my body, but it's still not moving and I know what happened. Edmond's not moving and grief and realization hit me. He's dead. He won't have another coffee with me anymore, he won't talk to me anymore, we won't have a wedding. I won't have a life with him anymore. And I didn't even get a chance to tell him how much I adored him. So I said to him, even though he couldn't hear me anymore; just to let his soul part easily, and for mine to have some solace which I would never really have. Because my soul parted with his. Right, that second when everything shattered. I said, "I love you."

Then I moved my eyes to see who was standing above him, the killer in disguise as a savior, the person that killed him and now would kill me too but I didn't care, not anymore. He killed the love of my life, and I won't let him go. He deserves what I will do to him, even if I can't move, he'll die; he has to. Even if takes all the power in the world, even if I have to do it to my dying breath I'll do it. He's going to pay for this.

Looking over I see, he is wearing a black hoodie, black sunglasses, and a black mask. I'll hunt him down. That's all I saw before everything went dark. Pitch-black.

"I remember!" I yelled out loud. This was the second I got pulled back into reality and I knew what to do.

"What do you remember C?; there is no time for that, we need to get out of here! And you need to tell me what the hell is going on! It can't be just about a simple fucking ring!" Donovan screeched.

Oh shit.


"True terror isn't being scared, it's not having a choice in the matter."

- John Green, Turtles all the way down

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