Shit list (Pars Una)

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Cyclea's POV:-

Creepy sounds like a rainbow when you are about to roam in a forest in pitch-black and your only source of light is the headlights of your car. When you can't see left and right, and everything is mushy, green, or black, you start to wonder what colors look like. Because if you can only see what's five feet in front of you can't judge how to drive around trees.

Once, the wheels churned and a cracking sound appeared, something like the bones breaking. It sounded like when kids bite ice-cold chocolate. Both of us were so paranoid we couldn't scream anymore. At the start we thought we drove the car on a person, then we thought who could be so stupid as to enter a forest when it's 3 a.m. well except us. Then we thought maybe it was a deer or some animal, and we thought we were going to get killed by other animals. We both were petrified to look under the car and find another dead body. But when we looked it was only a branch. I have not had that much sweat built up even in my high school. After that, Donovan drove like a turtle but I was still paranoid. And for good measure!

"Drive very slowly here, it's pitch-black and it's the woods," I told him

"I know how to drive, and are there any more turns here; ones I need to know about?" Understandable Donovan was a bit mad about the left and rights.

"A couple I'll tell you those later. Now get back to yelling about all important things we need to fight about." I told him.

"Not yelling, just tell me what the hell is a shit list anyway?"

"It is a list of all the shitty things, I need to do to find that bloody killer. I find the answers, I'll find the guy."

"How is making a bloody list going to help us find a killer?"

"Well, it won't but it gives a list of clues a thing to work with, because if I keep thinking how Ed died. It will make me crazy. Sorry, CRAZIER like the one in which I end up in a mental hospital. Also, making lists of things calm me down." The unusual screaming also calms my hot temper sometimes.

"Cool, what do you need?" As if my brain wired a message to Donovan's and he immediately understood.

"A pen, and paper."

"Why can't you write in my notes on my phone? Where the hell am I going to find a pen and paper in my car?" I suppose Donovan was also getting anxious because his hands started shaking a bit, he was sweating in the cool air-conditioned car. Maybe breaking a branch got to him.

"Evidence! Duh! You should know it; if someone catches us you can have no evidence that could trace back to me. You cannot get implicated through me. It's evidence 101 to find a killer. You are a real police officer? Sorry, I am stressed and sarcasm helps."

"How do you know about it?" That surprised me a bit, my brain was in action mode. Not thinking at all just saying and doing. My brain was in super complex and pause mode at the same time. Donovan replied breaking my thought chain.

"I have a pen but no papers. You could write on tissues." Saying that he clicked on his dashboard and removed a pen from there and then "Click" I heard again, him closing the dashboard.

"Duh, write on tissues and that would tear them apart inch by inch. You haven't tried that in a restaurant. But you have papers. You have your license and registration, right?" I was always good at ideas; I just didn't know if the ideas were good or not.

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