Not Mr. Clark Shenoff

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Donovan's Pov:-

"One second, why are we meeting Mr. Clark Shenoff by the way sounds like the name of the drug dealer," I said wondering how long it would take for everything to end. Not so long. 

"He was Edmond's best friend; so he had to be invited to " Cyclea made air quotes with her hand just to sound dramatic. "The engagement party." Then she continued " And it is not a drug dealer's name maybe a potential crime lord, but can we focus on the road for now."

She looks pretty rattled by something, but she's not showing it is she? I kept thinking to myself.

"One moment I need to make a call." Saying that I stopped the car on the sidewalk; even though no one was driving at this time of night. I needed to be cautious. Every alleyway seems suspicious when you are carrying precious cargo. And I knew how precious this cargo is.

"Who are you calling?" Cyclea asked. 

"I have a problem." Looking at Cyclea I continued. "But don't worry. It will go as promised. I'll still be there". I said that on the phone and then disconnected it.

"C, I am calling my friend to let her know I wouldn't be home soon. We were planning a party but it seems that now she'll have to do it alone" I replied. 

"C, huh ?" She said.

"Yeah; your name's too hard to keep repeating over and over again; what were your parents thinking..." I replied. 


Cyclea's POV:-

"They thought it wasn't used before. Unique I guess." I replied

"For a good reason!" Donovan said.

Talking with him like I was normal for even a few seconds made me feel calm, like after a long time I finally had a long, deep breath. Some of those moments in your life where you are standing at the top of hill and you know what's going to happen the destruction you can almost see it but you still go on. Because that's what you gotta do. Even if didn't sign up for it. I wasn't in hell going to let it go. Vengenace will be mine and Edmound's.

"Lets go, I'll start the car." Donovan said. How glad was I; to have him as my only friend, best friend even. He didn't know what he signed up for but I think he would have helped me either way.

He turned on the engine again and the eery silence, was taken away, the road was not scary anymore.

I and Edmond had been there before. I remember him saying, fifth date this time. "Those are not flats, they are heel". Ed said. 

"How would you know I am the lady?"

"Yeah but my fashion sense is better.. Obviously." He was right those were heels but I was never going to admit it. Not to him. Those were asphalt black and my favourite ones only because he liked it and we always fought about it. Would I wear it again? Ever? What would Edmond think? Now my hands were crimson. They were dripping with my fiancee's blood, gushing, out of control.

"We have reached" Donovan said. Pulling me out of my nightmares. It wasn't real. Breath, just breathe. Then, I saw the road.

"Where are we?" I asked.

"Demetri road. Mr. Clark Shenoff works here, I heard him tell it to me once." Donovan replied.

There was a musty, jet black factory nearby, although in the dark everything seems black I think. The road was very silent; awfully weird for anything in Arizona usually there are people swarming in groups and the hustle and bustle makes everything uncomfortable. Like a market.

"So here's the thing..." Donovan said not long before I interjected

"Look there comes someone but it's not Mr. Clark Shenoff, it's a lady." I said

Looking far in the corner there was a lady with a flamboyant yellow jacket and her ocean blue eyes looked as if they were curious because something was about to happen. As she approached us I immediately recognized her. 

"Virgina Miller, she is my next door neighbour; oh yeah here is Donovan." I introduced both of them, Donovan seemed to suppress a smile;  I made a mental note of asking him later.

Shaking her hand Donovan questioned, "Why are you here?"

"Yeah, wasn't Mr. Clark Shenoff supposed to be here." I reply.

"Oh dear I don't know about Clark Shenoff, but everything seems pretty shut off here and I don't think anyone is coming at this ungodly hour on Demetri road. But what are you two young twines doing here it almost midnight. After your engagement why are you roaming with Donovan here, are you cheating on your husband?" Ms. Miller questioned.

Since when did two people walking together meant there were sleeping together. Seriously what century is this 1940? And you have no right to talk to me like that even if I was cheating. If I talk about you fat bitch; everyone knows you have three divorces and anyone can tell that all was for the money; so if you don't mind I won't take any relationship advice from you lady. Sue me. Nope can't tell her all that if I need her help

Breathe in and out. You can do it. Work through your range I remember my therapist telling me.

"No, I can assure you I am not cheating on my husband. But do mind me asking why did you leave so early from the engagement party?" It was a shot in the dark but it was the only way of getting information out of her.

"Oh dear, it was only because I had to be somewhere else with my boyfriend Cian; you must know him as the giant investor of Belmont. But I am really sorry I didn't get to say goodbye to Edmond; he was talking to miss Geneva; and seemed to be in such a private conversation, I really didn't want to intrude. But Donovan was........"

A sound punched my eardrums, it was almost if my ears were bleeding. On instinct my hands covered my ears, it made the deafening sound. But then the ringing started, and I got a giant headache, so much was happening at the same time and then I saw blood, but not on my hands not on me but on Virginia Miller, the lady I was cursing in my head. The lady who I was talking to just right now. The woman who was standing just in front of me was hit. 

It was a gunshot what I had just heard.

And it just hit Virginia Miller in her heart.

 She was most definately dead and the gunshot came from my side. 

In front of her.

But we were facing her.

We were in front of her.

 The shooter was behind us.


F-E-A-R has two meanings either 'forget everything and run' or 'face everything and rise'. The choice is yours.


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