Every compromise has a winner. Always!

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P.S. Keep a low volume. If you want to hear the song.

Cyclea's POV: -

"I am stopping the car we need to talk," Donovan said.

"Zeeeeek." The brake entrusted with that car worked its magic and the car came to a screeching halt.

"No, you can't, but we can talk," I replied. Compromise is a solution to a relationship, and everything in my life. You can win everything if you know how to do it.

"What, why can't I stop? I am the driver?" Donovan replied.

"The killer is not stopping, and it's stupid to stop now because when I win this argument, we would have just been late for at least 15 minutes." The gas paddle screeched now, and as if the car was annoyed, the engine made a tiny sound. But the car lived and we were still going on the highway. Now the hard part was over and the easy part started winning the compromise.

"Well, how can I DRIVE? If I don't know the destination." He yelled to get his point across. Big mistake, he shouldn't have used all his energy at once.

"It's kind of a crooked route to take, because he lives in the middle of nowhere, like in the woods. I have been there only once to invite him to the wedding, which he didn't come to of course. But the good part is, I remember how to go there."

"All this and you really don't know how to drive!" He made a good point.

"So, now what do we do?" He continued.

"Well, you drive I'll give the directions, while we can talk about what you wanted to talk about, so what you wanted to talk about?" The second point, confuse the guy.

"C it's dangerous, these guys could kill you. They have already killed Ed. Who knows they might have also killed Virginia Miller." The third point is to distract and make a counter point, well I didn't have a counter point but I could distract.

"Left here, "I said, and the car took a harsh turn; while Donovan didn't spend a minute to prove his point and continue talking.

"And that poor girl we left at the house; she might be dead too. All that for what?" Donovan said, without even taking a breath in the middle. But now I finally got the perfect reason. The only explanation for all this shit.

"You don't get it, do you? They had the chance to kill us. Why didn't they do it then? Give me a reason." It was as if Donovan's mind was somewhere else. He couldn't answer me. He was numb. Numb to that thinking. Numb to the thought of there being a reason. Numb to the idea that it was not a coincidence and planned. So, I took a breath and continued to say what we both were already thinking.

"We were right in front of the goddamn trigger; instead, they killed Virginia Miller, it's not a coincidence." Cutting myself from the point I said.

"Hard right here." Just like that, we were off the highway and in a small alley in Arizona.

"They thought we could never reach them. They are cutting loose ends. They were at that engagement party. Virginia knew it or knew something about it, some information. Some little thing, or maybe she even saw them, she just didn't know that they killed Ed. Whatever she knew, they didn't want us to know...." I didn't need to finish that thought.

"So, they killed her." Donovan continued my sentence.


"Yeah, I think so too," Donovan replied.

"No, take a right."


"NOW! " I screamed and the car shook so loudly that I had to grab the seatbelt because if I wouldn't I would be pretty sure that I would be flying right out of that car and into the woods.

"Well, next time say it a little earlier, before I run out of the bloody road!"

"Well, I said right or tried to do it. But forget all about it now; let me continue, I was talking about the killers." I continued hoping no other turn would come in our lives or this story.

"We are getting close, I know it. They know it. Maybe someone still knows something. The only thing I know is that I won't quit. Not until I have searched heaven and hell for that killer." I spoke with all confidence I could muster.

"And what are you going to do when you find them if say by some godly miracle we find some clues and we are still alive by the end of it all? We come face-to-face with whoever they are. Then what?" Donovan's question stunned me.

He took a deep breath as if making me pause over this life-changing decision then he gulped down a fistful of air then he said, "What then, C? Will you kill them? Are you a cold-blooded killer?"

Am I a killer? 24 hours ago; waiting impatiently for my engagement, I would have said absolutely no but now I didn't know the answer to that question. But why me was the only question going on in my mind. What did I do to deserve this? Self-pity wasn't ideal but at this moment; I didn't know what was ideal. Hell, I was pulling every string to find those bastards, but what would I do when I would find them?

I just knew one cursed thing, whoever I am now, I was not the Cyclea from two days ago worrying about her dress, or flowers for the engagement. I was different, more in touch with my emotions than was possible, I just hoped it didn't make me a monster. Because even if I killed the killer, would I still be able to survive? Could I live with the guilt?

"I know what to do," I said with ultimate determination.

"Yeah, and why are going to meet this guy? How will it help anything? I really don't know who we are meeting. I forgot." Donovan said scratching his head.

"He is George Adams he knew Ed long before I knew him. He was his foster family's lawyer so then he became Ed's lawyer too."

"I didn't know he was adopted," Donovan said with an appreciative, sad smile. One someone always gives when something bad happens, a pity smile I like to call it. I knew it because people did it to me all the time.

"Yeah, but we also need to do something also." The best way to compromise, bring a bigger shitty thing you need to do and people focus on it more and eventually forget what they were compromising about. At least for a while.

"What is it?"

"We need a shit list!"


A compromise is the art of dividing a cake in such a way that everyone believes they have the biggest piece.

- Ludwig Erhard

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