Tainted by the crimes of past

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Cyclea's POV: -

"He never told them how he got the money, maybe he stole it."

"Or he killed them." The voices became duller and my heartbeat became louder and louder thumping and making me uneasy.

"No, that can't be true. Why would he lie to me, about the money, would he?" I spoke.

The immense information I got; I couldn't handle it. It felt as if my heart was breaking into more pieces if possible. It was as if the present was obscuring my memory of him, his sweet smile, his innocent face, or was I just a big nincompoop? Did everything he told me a lie? The way he didn't know his family, or how he was very little when his dad died. Or that he killed them. I gripped the clutch of the tablecloth tightly as if I was holding my heart, picking up the pieces and clutching them so hard they couldn't ever get away.

I saw him standing next to me, but he wasn't covered in blood this time. It was a better memory from when we were in a park. He was standing on freshly cut grass, the dewdrops were still wet, and the sun was too hot to be out there. His sweet forgiving asphalt eyes looked at me. He was in his pajamas, and he told me to get out of bed and feel the morning breeze, I was so exhausted, but we went out.

"You lied to me," I spoke

"I just hid the truth." He said, his eyes now looked weary and pale as if the lies he clutched so tight finally spilled out. The silent eyes didn't look so forgiving anymore, they looked haunted by the crimes of his past.

"It's not the same thing," I replied.

"You would have never understood." He said as he dropped down to the grass, he started tearing it apart one after the other.

I dropped down to my knees, looked him in the eyes and I spoke through my heart, "Yeah, I would have you should have tried." I spoke.

"But did you trust me enough to say your truth, to say your lies?" His voice became hollow, crashed, filled with angst. Every word he said, poked a hole through my heart. His face now wept with disappointment.

"I tried, I tried to tell you so many times, but just so many things happened."

"That's a lie, you had so many chances, so many chances, you had a way. You could always say your truth and I would follow with mine. How could I trust you when you never fully trusted me?" He said, and my whole world collapsed, the grass turned black, the hot sun seemed too hot without any shade, and the clouds became dark, pitch-black, as if one lie was poison, dripping into every memory I had with him, everything going dark, every memory now tainted by our lies, how could our story be true, if we weren't honest with ourselves.

"I am a liar and so was he," I said and the ground changed back to wood, the day changed into night, but the atmosphere stayed the same, tainted by our lies, by our past.

"Don't say that." The mum said.

"You knew him deep in your heart, even though you didn't talk to each other about everything, but you both had faith in each other, and you both loved each other. He trusted you enough to spend his life with you. What more do you need for trust? What more do you need to know he loved you, even if he didn't share everything with you. He would have, all he needed was more time with you; which you should have had. But now you have his memories and you can hold on to those forever and ever." She spoke.


Death leaves a heartache, no one can heal.

Love leaves a memory no one can steal.

-NCIS Dr. Mallard

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