Danger is always lurking in shadows

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Somewhere at the same time on the other side of town:

Bellator POV: -

It was quiet for a while until a message came through and all hell broke loose. Today was not supposed to go this way. Everything was going all right until one tiny mistake and the whole plan went up in flames. This was now the contingency plan. Destroy the evidence, go home and treat it as any other day. Don't mention anything. I had done it a million times before but this mission meant something to me. It was personal. It made me rotten to the core and I sure as hell wasn't going to give up now.

There were 15 people around me, ready to follow my orders, ready to walk on fire if I needed. I was afraid I might just need that, because going rogue against the employer was a big move. A dangerous one, if we did it right, the employer would pay us handsomely, but if we didn't the employer would be the first to kill us.

The compound at night was dark, with only a broken street-light outside, blinking at its own might. I could only see their faces, the danger they felt, they were looking at me with hope and desperation. But I couldn't help them anymore. We all knew what we stepped in for. They were soldiers of a fight, they couldn't back down now.

"Flectere si nequeo superos, Acheronta movebo." I spoke.

"What does it mean?" Someone asked.

"If I cannot bend the will of Heaven, I shall move Hell. This is not the time to give up, this is the time to give it everything you got. Move hell to get it but I want to everything that is happening. THIS IS EVERYTHING WE HAVE FAUGHT AND KILLED FOR; WE CANNOT BACK OUT NOW!"

"Yes, sir!"


"Yes. SIR."

The roars kept on coming but I was scared, this night was going to get a lot worse before it ever started, and I was looking at the slaughterhouse.

"Find Cyclea and Donovan at this instant they are not a threat yet, let them get the information first then the employer will decide what to do. DONOT KILL THEM, JUST YET. Just give them a message." I spoke. Message, an easy word for what was going to happen. Something which tells them to back off.

Everyone knew their job, this was all planned weeks ago, but with the new element in play, anything was possible, but I would keep it under control. Cyclea and Donovan won't get far enough. Again.

Slowly everyone started dispersing, the next 24 hours were crucial, everyone had to be alert, but I needed to inform the employer, we were in it for good.

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