The Red Jeep

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Cyclea's POV:-

A crimson jeep with an outer metallic black exterior; it looked as if it was ready for war. So was I. But Donovan wasn't, he didn't even know what was going on in my mind. Murder. Conspiracy theories. The real reason behind discovering what happened at the party. Hell, I didn't even know what was going on. Except that the killer would get caught. I would get vengeance. 

"Get in the car. Where to start from?" Donovan questioned.

"Don't you know? I invited you to the party, that was one of the reasons I came to you first." I said

"Wait, I didn't come to your engagement; I had an issue at work. Don't you know that already, I called you?  One second!" The realization hit his face when he understood, one mystery was solved already. "You don't remember anything do you."

"Bingo. I got so hammered at the party, I don't remember it." One more lie couldn't hurt at this point. 

"Also, We might have another problem," I said. One meant millions like my dead husband, and future me getting caught for murder. Not telling him the full story. The guilt. Getting revenge and not remembering the murder, or the party, or anything for the past 24 hours...I went for the easiest one to answer or to say. "I don't know how to drive."

"What! How can you not know how to drive; and get so hammered? Oh my god!" Extreme exhaustion hit his face when he realized this night was going to be a long one but not in the way he thought.

 "I wasn't going to let you drive anyways; because you might be drunk and you are still in your engagement dress with those heels; but now you are not even getting near the wheel. Oh god, help me! But where do we start from, that's the question." Donovan said.  I forgot I was still wearing that dress. The silky scarlet dress till my knees and those impeccable ruby Prada heels. I still remember how much time it took me to ensure that the outfit was incredible. But now all I could see was blood in my hands; covering them completely and engulfing me, it might just.....

" Are you okay?"Donovan questioned. And I was bought back to reality. My adrenaline was still coursing through my body. I could always keep my composure, it was always an act but now it was falling apart, and I wasn't sure how long I could keep it going; acting. 

"Not right now, but I will be soon." Half-truths

"But I have an idea, for where to start," I replied. It was the first time I felt useful. My brain had finally taken a shift from blind rage to waiting for vengeance.

 I remember Edmond telling the waiter 2 years ago during the dinner, or our second date, "Revenge is a dish best-served cold. But I would like my meatballs hot if you don't mind." He had an ironic sense of humor. Something I'll miss even more. 

"So where are we going?" Donovan asked

"Not where but whom. We are going to meet Mr.Clark Shenoff; Edmond's best friend." I replied

"I know where he might be" Donovan replied. "Hey, it's going to be alright." 

 "Yeah." a weak reply because I knew it never will be alright. But it will get better. Thinking that I climbed into the car. The night is just starting. The beginning of the end is here. Better not say that out loud though.


"When you hit rock bottom, you still have a way to go into the abyss. But when revenge clouds your eyes then there is only destructon left, nothing else; noone else."

-Money Heist

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