Pledge of War

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The Hunter: So basically, you're Reality Zero is just like mine but the IO hasn't won yet.

Scientist: Well, something like tha- WAIT, DID YOU JUST SAY YOU'RE FROM ANOTHER REALITY ZERO!?

The Hunter: Apparently. I didn't know it was possible to go beyond the Omniverse either.

Scientist: This is not the first occurrence of this happening, but it is extraordinary that it has occurred again.

The Origin: The Creoverse is crossing over.

Scientist: I wouldn't be too worried about that yet. Mia, how did you get to our world?

The Hunter: Wrath came to my world and decimated it. He said he was doing it for fun... He said he made a deal and that he sent me here to see if I would survive or not. Who even is that guy?

The Origin: Wrath's been unstable for a while now. He is the Warden of the Underworld, so he governs the dead. My ex-wife, the Cube Queen, knew him. They were very dear friends. They spit paths many eons ago.

After that, Wrath dedicated himself to keeping our Omniverse's time flow intact. When the Cube Queen returned, he faced off against her. When we, the Seven, flipped the island and defeated the Cube Queen, he went into a craze. He gave up defending reality and decided to destroy it instead. People have been going missing due to him for weeks.

Kidnappings, tortures, murders, the list goes on. It isn't helping that the war against the IO is at it's climax. If we don't deal with Wrath soon, we will lose not just one, but two wars.

In ten days, we are planning the biggest attack operation on Wrath in island history. We need as much help as we can get.

*The Hunter takes off her helmet, revealing her face.*

The Hunter: I'll be there. I will avenge my world. I will hunt Wrath down until I die. He's gonna regret gambling on my life!

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