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*Slone and Gunnar come through a portal to where Foundation is, unconscious.*

Slone: *To Gunnar* He's unconscious. Take him to base.

*Meanwhile with the others, Origin is bleeding and unconscious.*

The Abandoned: What happened..?

*Jones is frantically healing Hunter.*

*Imagined and Scientist are knocked out.*

Strange: We lost. Foundation's gone.

John: *To the unconscious Hunter* C'mon, Mia... I won't lose you...

Midas: I do have good news. I got a tracker on Wrath.

*Iron Man is helping Spider-Man up.*

John: Does it even matter!!!?

*Jones lashes out in anger.*

John: Foundation's dead and everyone else is about to die, too! What's the point!!?

Midas: Some of us still have a chance.

*Strange is meditating and his head is shifting quickly from side to side.*

Spider-Man: *Looking at Strange* What's he doing?

Strange: I'm looking if there's any outcome in which we win.

Stark: How many did you see?

Strange: 3 billion, 650 thousand, 7 hundred and 5.

Stark: In how many do we win?

Strange: One.

*Midas groans.*

*Origin weakly wakes up and mutters.*

The Origin: Where is...? Is everyone okay?

Abandoned: We're recovering.

The Origin: Where's Foundation?

Abandoned: He's gone...

The Origin: What do you mean, gone?

Strange: Slone has him.

*Jones punched the ground over and over in anger and curses many times.*

John: I'll kill her.

*Jones gets up and loads a gun.*

John: I'm going to the Fortress, who's with me?

Abandoned: I'll go!

Strange: I know you guys are angry but this isn't how we win.

John: Too bad! It's about time this comes to an end.

*Midas slaps Jones.*

Midas: Strange is right. At least get a plan first!

*Jones pushes Midas.*

John: Get out of my way. I don't need a plan, I need revenge.

*Midas stops himself from punching Jones.*

Midas: Fine. When you get shot to bits don't come crying to me.

*Jones stomps away and Abandoned follows.*

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