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Cube Queen: I'm sorry, who?

Wrath: Doesn't matter. None of this matters.

Hunter: Listen, you're gonna turn back right now and go back where you came from... Or else.

Wrath: You really think you can beat me? Step forward and you're gonna get wrecked.

*Enforcer Number Four steps forward towards Wrath.*

Four: I'm not scared of-

*In a blink of an eye, Wrath zooms in front of Four and grabs her by the neck with one arm, holding her up effortlessly.*

Wrath: I warned you...

*Wrath tosses the Enforcer to the side and she crashes through the rock and plummets to the island below. As she falls, the shadows mob her body.*

One: No!

*The Enforcers ready for attack. The Sisters pull out their swords, the Cube King extends a staff from his armor, two others activate their wrist blades, and the tall Enforcer's gauntlets power up with energy.*

Hunter: Last chance. Turn back.

Wrath: Let me think about that for a second... Turn back or die... Hmmm how about option C? YOU DIE!

*Wrath charges at the Enforcers and The Hunter.*

*The Hunter shoots Wrath with rapid fire blasts, but he is not stopped.*

Wrath: I'll kill you all... ONE BY ONE!

*Wrath kicks Two through the roof and she falls back down unconscious, dents all over her armor*

*One viciously slashes at Wrath with her energy sword, but Wrath effortlessly steps to the side for all her attacks*

Hunter: How is he doing this!?

One: We can take hi-

*One gets her sword taken from her hands by Wrath, and then the bloodthirsty tank promptly slices One's head off.*

*The Enforcers stare on in shock at the brutality, while the Hunter and the Cube Queen rush Wrath together.*

*The Hunter flying kicks Wrath in the face and the Cube Queen punches Wrath three times in the chest, where something is glowing.*

Hunter: There's something glowing in his chest, maybe we target that!

Cube Queen: I agree!

*The Cube Queen goes to jab Wrath in that spot but Wrath grabs the staff with two hands and snatches it from her.*

*Wrath kicks the Cube Queen away and runs at the Enforcers with the staff in his hand.*

Hunter: Watch out!

*The Enforcers react too late and Wrath gets to them. He touches the staff to the Cube King and he is instantly incinerated.*

Cube Queen: No!

*Golden electricity covers the Cube Queen's body and she channels it at Wrath.*

*Wrath writhes in pain and gives off a bloodcurdling scream.*

*Still being electrocuted, Wrath throws the staff at the Cube Queen like a frisbee.*

*The Cube Queen's eyes widen as the staff reaches her and she joins the Cube King.*

*There is smoke emitting from Wrath's body and his chest light and eyes are blood red*

Wrath: *Maniacally laughs* Your only weapon against me is DEAD!

Hunter: You have no soul...

Wrath: Exactly! I don't have a soul, I DEVOUR SOULS!

*Wrath rips the big Enforcer in half, blood spills everywhere.*

*The Hunter looks around. Organs and scrap metal everywhere, the Cube Queen's staff on the ground. Two is unconscious in a pile of her own blood.*

*Only the two male Enforcers are left standing, and they are both attacking Wrath with their wrist blades, but he is pushing them around and dodging attacks.*

Hunter: *In a whisper* I'm going to die here...

*In what Mia feels is in the background, Wrath cuts down the last two Enforcers and turns to face Mia*

*Mia falls on her knees and watches helplessly as the world blurs around her and Wrath marches toward her.*

*Wrath says something, but Mia isn't listening*

*Wrath grabs a sharp metal scrap from the floor and raises it above Mia*

*Wrath starts to bring down the weapon, and everything goes black for the Hunter.*

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