The Final Stand

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*The next morning, all the heroes are gathered at the Sanctuary again... They have said their goodbyes to their loved ones. They do not think they stand a chance against Wrath, but they have to try anyways.

The Origin: Today is our final fight against Wrath. No mistakes, no do overs. We all know the plan, that doesn't mean we should know what to expect. Be careful. Look out for each other. Whatever it takes.

All: Whatever it takes.

Strange: Everyone gather round.

*Doctor Strange casts a spell on all of them to protect them*

Strange: This protection spell will take hits for you. It will wear off eventually.

*Wrath's laughter can be heard.*

Wrath: *In a whisper that echoes through the entire island.* There's nothing in this world to save...

The Origin: You underestimate us, Wrath. We stand together.

*Wrath' rises up from the ground.*

Wrath: We'll see.

*The Origin tackles Wrath.*

The Origin: You won't defeat us!

*Wrath punches Origin in the face multiple times.*

The Origin: We have something we don't, we have emotions!

Wrath: Whatever.

*Midas kicks Wrath straight in the face and the Origin burns Wrath.*

*Wrath flies up to the meteor.*

Wrath: *Ignores the Origin* Well, that meteor was just for show anyways.

*Wrath breaks the meteor into multiple pieces and throws them at the team.*

The Origin: You've become just like the Cube Queen, but at least she had some sense!

*Origin dodges and retaliates with a blast of Cube Corruption.*

*Wrath dodges his attack.*

Origin: You are lost, Wrath! You're insane.

Wrath: You're the insane one! You don't realize your doom!

*The Origin pushes Wrath back with a huge blast of Cube fire.*

*Wrath absorbs the blast.*

The Origin: Think about what you've done. You're going to destroy the world you grew up in!

*Origin punches Wrath in the chest.*

*Wrath grabs Origin's arm.*

*The Imagined is shooting Erath from above and the Hunter grabs Wrath from up top and holds him so the others can hit him.*

Strange: My turn!

*Strange summons a small magical dragon that bites straight through Wrath. The dragon wraps around Wrath's neck and turns into a magical chain.*

Abandoned: Hey Wrath!

*Abandoned launches himself full force at Wrath.*

*Strange lifts Wrath into the air.*

*Abandoned launches straight through Wrath.*

*Strange conjures disks and lobs them at Wrath, cutting at his neck and arms.*

*Origin blasts Wrath with a huge beam of Cube Corruption that keeps going.*

*Jones throws a grenade into Wrath's chest.*

*Wrath breaks out of Strange's chains, throws the Hunter off, and tosses the grenade away.*

*Abandoned punches Wrath over and over.*

*Wraths hands glow blood red.*

*Wrath tries to attack the Abandoned, but Origin levitates up to Wrath and grabs his arms, not letting him use his attack.*

Wrath: Let go!

*Wrath kicks Origin in the stomach.*

*The Origin is uninjured because of Strange's protection spell.*

The Origin: Face it, Wrath! You'll never be as powerful as all of us together.

*Wrath grabs a chunk of the meteor and nails Origins with it.*

*Origin falls but gets up just as fast, then he grabs Wrath by the neck and slams him into the ground.*

*The Imagined swoops down and stabs Wrath in the stomach then flies up again.*

*Jones grabs Wrath and punches him. Then he pushes him backwards and the Hunter grabs hold of Wrath, stabbing him in the leg.*

*Crassus jumps in and pushes Wrath down with Cube fire.*

*Iron Man uses his unibeam on Wrath, but he dodges it.*

*Wrath goes for The Abandoned and punches him until he is on the ground, not moving.*

*Wrath pulls a meteor part down and it hits Imagined and Hunter, sending them crashing down.*

*Origin punches a hole through Wrath's face.*

Wrath: "Teamwork" isn't the key to success, Orgin.

*Wrath's face heals and he chokes Origin.*

*Crassus helps Origin break free from Wrath.*

Crassus: *To Origin* You okay?

Origin: Better than ever.

*The Scientist comes in and pulls out a high tech weapon which he blasts Wrath with.*


*Origin levitates up and a portal opens in the sky opens to the Cube's Cradle.*

Wrath: My Last Reality, that is.

Origin: No. I am the Cube King. And my reign will be endless!

Wrath: I'm in control! You can't run away from me-

*A Cube falls onto Wrath.*

*He teleports out of the cube and punches a hole straight through Origin's stomach.*

Wrath: *To Origin* Where is your leader?

*Origin falls to his knees and the portal starts to close.*

Jones: Don't give up, Origin!

*The Imagined stabs Wrath in the stomach multiple times.*

*Wrath grabs the Imagined and throws her into a wall, knocking her out for the time being.*

*Origin grits his teeth. He shakily stands up and grabs Wrath by the neck, lifting him into the air.*


*The words echo through the entire island as a blinding explosion of Cube energy shakes the island and hits them both.*

*The Abandoned is starting to get up.*

*Wrath is progressively getting more upset.*


*The energy beam ends and Origin is still holding onto Wrath weakly as he crashes to the ground.

Origin: *faintly* Whatever it takes...

*Origin lies down and doesn't get up.*

*Wrath kicks Origin in the head.*

*The remaining fighters share a look. The Origin burnt himself out to give them a shot at defeating Wrath. They had to make it count.*

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