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*The Hunter stabs Wrath with her wings.*

Wrath: You again?

*The Abandoned punches Wrath.*

Abandoned: You do not get to mess with the people we care about, Wrath!

*Strange opens a portal near Wrath and tentacles come out and smack him.*

*Wrath please pushes Abandoned away but Crassus jumps in. Crassus throws fireballs at Wrath.*

Wrath: You'll never... *dodges the fireballs* ...beat me!

*The Hunter throws Wrath in midair and Abandoned jumps up to meet Wrath in the air and punches him straight through his glow in his chest.*

*Wrath falls to the ground.*

*After punching Wrath, Abandoned's arm is green. Abandoned goes up to Origin.*

*Origin isn't breathing.*

*Abandoned puts his arm on Origin's forehead and Origin glows green, healing.*

*Origin wakes up.*

Origin: Did we do it? Did we win?

Jones: Fight's not over yet.

*The Hunter walks over to where Wrath is fallen.*

The Hunter: *To Wrath* Wrath?

*Wrath vanishes right in front of her eyes.*

The Hunter: Huh? Is he gone?

Origin: I can't sense him anymore.

*Wrath appears in front of them but no one can hit him, he looks two dimensional and flat.*

Wrath: I'm in the 2nd dimension. It's something you can't comprehend.

*Wrath's hand becomes clear again as it becomes 3D again and shadow creatures start to attack them.*

*The Hunter shoots the shadow creatures with her plasma pistols' rapid fire and destroys them.*

Jones: How the hell is Wrath still alive?

Abandoned: Why is he two dimensional?

Strange: It's an ability he's never used on us. He must be recharging.

*Wrath appears in 3D again and he is glowing at full strength again.*

*Wrath raises his fist and multiple explosions go off under their feet.*

*The heroes are hit and blasted back.*

*The Abandoned gets hit the hardest, he fails to get up and can't fight anymore.*

*The Hunter gets pounded into the ground by Wrath.*

*Wrath grabs the Origin and headbutts him into a mountain.*

*Wrath hits Midas with an energy blast and knocks him out.*

*Suddenly, a figure approaches from the sky. The figure gets closer and closer. The Cube Queen.*

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