late nights - hyewon

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hyejoo finally finished work at 11:30pm, she was driving home in her medium sized black car until she finally reached her dorm. She exited her car and locked it she then walked up to the door, unlocked it, then fumbled into her dorm where her girlfriend was waiting for her.

"you are back" gowon said quietly with a smile on her face. As soon as hyejoo heard her voice she slowly walked to the couch where gowon was sitting, and just laid down ontop of gowon. She snuggled into her chest, closing her eyes. "do you want dinner? i bought kimchi rice for you" gowon asked in a soft tone, she was stroking hyejoo's hair slowly. "yes please.." hyejoo said while slowly getting off of gowon, gowon followed her to the kitchen. gowon sped up to the fridge to grab it for her and heat it up for hyejoo. while they were waiting for it to heat up hyejoo was hugging gowon from behind and giving her kisses on her head, cheeks and neck. gowon was giggling slightly at hyejoos warm breath on her, once the food was heated up, gowon grabbed it and put it down at the table for hyejoo to enjoy. hyejoo happily ate her food while gowon was getting her clothes ready so she could have a shower. after hyejoo was done eating she washed her dish and saw gowon getting her clothes ready. "you are the best girlfriend ever" hyejoo mumbled and went up to hug her. gowon blushed at her gestures, hyejoo unattached herself from gowon and went to have a quick warm shower.

gowon waited in there bed, she was just scrolling on instagram until hyejoo was finished. she heard the shower water stop. hyejoo walked out into their bedroom, unclothed. gowon was extremely startled, "yah! hyejoo why are you naked?!" gowon squealed. hyejoo just laughed in response and grabbed her towel, "i forgot this! what were you thinking gowon?" hyejoo winked and left the room to get changed in the bathroom.

gowon was embarrassed and blushing profusely, 'ah! gowon why are you thinking like this!?" gowon got snapped out of her thoughts when hyejoo entered the room for a second time, but with clothes on. "are you disappointed that i have clothes on now?" hyejoo teased her. "yah! no!!" gowon yelled covering her face with the blanket in embarrassment. "hehe sorry i won't tease you anymore." hyejoo said while getting under the covers because she was still very tired. gowon quickly wrapped her arms and legs around hyejoo like a panda, hyejoo smiled at her actions. gowon kissed hyejoo's lips and they both drifted off to sleep.

(Ahhh i hope this is good! please give me ideas for more oneshots in the future!!)

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