dentention - lipsoul

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jinsoul—the smart girl— rushes to her last class of the day. she thankfully makes it in time and sits down. "okay class, please get out your homework" the teacher commands. jinsoul confidently zips open her bag and looks for her homework. she panics when she can't see it anywhere. the teacher walks over to jinsoul and asks to see her work. "so where is it jung jinsoul?" he raises his eyebrow.
"ah sorry sir, i must have forgotten it at home" jinsoul awkwardly smiles.
"dentention after school."
"yes sir.." she sighs.

the class ends, all the students begin leaving. jinsoul wishes she could do that too but she has a dentention to attend. she sadly walks over and enters the room. she smiles to the teacher in there. "unexpected seeing you in here jinsoul" the teacher raises her eyebrow.
"yeah, i forgot my homework" jinsoul frowns. jinsoul sits in the back right corner. it was pretty empty besides the two boy students at the front. 'might aswell finish my math homework while im here' jinsoul began working.
after a few minutes the door slowly creeks open. jinsoul glances up but didn't really look. she glanced back a 2nd time when she heard the teacher, "you're late kim jungeun." she glared at the blonde girl.
"right sorry i forgot i had a dentention" jungeun apologises. the teacher indicated for her to sit down. jungeun scanned the room and got surprised when her eyes landed on her girlfriend, jinsoul. she sits down next to her.

"jinsoul? how did the nerd end up in detention?" she laughs.
"you distracted me this morning" jinsoul whines.
"me?" jungeun widened her eyes.
"yes, you looked too good, it was hard to resist" jinsoul smirks.
"argh what are you talking about?" jungeun slaps jinsoul's shoulder.
"i was to focused on you i forgot to grab my homework" she pouted.
"you're the one who begged me to stay over, 'jungeun pleaese stay'." jungeun chuckled and imitated jinsoul.
jinsoul rolled her eyes and didnt reply, instead just continued her work. jungeun rested her head on her desk and watched her girlfriend.

"why are you staring?"
"i don't know i'm bored, and i guess you look kinda pretty right now" now it was jungeun's turn to roll her eyes.
jinsoul smiles and winks.
"hey jungeun, how'd you get dentention again anyways?" she asks.
"jiwoo said something funny and we were both laughing so loud and we couldn't stop... so the teacher sent us out of the room" a smile forms on jungeun's face, "but we started laughing even louder so we got dentention...". jinsoul quietly laughed at the story.

finally dentention ends and the teacher and rest of the students exit. leaving jungeun and jinsoul alone. the older girl packs her stuff back in her bag. "nerd" jungeun teases.
"dumbass" jinsoul teases back. they stand up and intertwine hands. jinsoul kisses jungeun. it lasts awhile until jungeun pulls back. "we should really be heading home" she smiles, a little bit of blush spreading on her cheeks. jinsoul agrees and they begin walking home together. since its a friday, jungeun invites jinsoul over, which jinsoul immediately accepts.


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