parties - viseul

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'ring ring' haseul picks up her phone. it was her girlfriend, vivi. "what's up vi?" haseul asks. "hey so, jiwoo and jungeun are throwing a party at our dorm" vivi says, "i was just wondering if you wanted to come over and hangout in my bedroom?" she asks. "yes of course! give me 10 minutes, see you soon" haseul says before hanging up the phone and rushing to get ready.

haseul walks up the stairs to the dorm that vivi shares with jiwoo, jungeun, yves and jinsoul. she walks in to see a lot of people in the dorm. it was loud with people and music. she tried her best to avoid people and get straight to vivi's room. "hey haseul i didn't know you were coming?" jiwoo asks half drunk. "oh yeah, vivi invited me" she says and finally makes it to vivi's bedroom. she quickly walks in and shuts the bedroom door behind her. vivi was sitting on her bed, she looks up and smiles to see haseul. she stands up and walks over to her. haseul wraps her arms around vivi's waist. "hey vi" haseul says quietly while placing kisses on vivi's face. "hehe i'm glad you're here" vivi says quietly. "me too" haseul said between kisses. they began softly making out for a while. until somebody turns the door handle. vivi and haseul both stop and turn their heads to the door. they see hyejoo and gowon in the doorway kissing. "this isn't your room gowon!" vivi yells so they could hear over the loud music. they break the kiss and gowon is embarrassed, "sorry, continue whatever you were doing, bye!" gowon says flustered. she held hyejoo's hand and walked out closing the door. vivi slowly got off of haseul and locked her bedroom door. "now nobody will bother us" she says smiling and walking back to haseul. haseul laughs and pulls vivi down on top of her. they intertwine their fingers. "you look so pretty" haseul says looking at vivi. vivi thanked haseul and compliments her back. "do you want to sleep at my place tonight?" vivi asks. "yes please" haseul replies quickly. they both get comfortable and cuddle. haseul stays the night at vivi's.

(i hope this wasn't too boring 🙁)

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