truth or dare? - ot12

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"sooo guys i'm bored what should we do?" choerry said. "lets see who can do the most push-ups!" hyunjin suggested. "NO!" everyone shouted. hyunjin groaned. heejin patted her back and laughed at her. "oh! lets play truth or dare!!" chuu squealed. hyejoo grunted. but everyone already agreed so she couldnt do anything about it. "heejin truth or dare!!" chuu said excitedly. "hm dare!" heejin said bravely. chuu smirked and glanced at yves who was also glancing at her.

"i dare you to kiss hyunjin!" chuu yelled. heejin's eyes widdened and pink blush spread all over her face. hyunjin was a bit shocked but of course she didn't show much emotion. heejin turned to face hyunjin and quietly asked if it was okay for her to kiss hyunjin, hyunjin just nodded with blush appearing on her cheeks. heejin leaned in and gave her a quick kiss on the lips. all 12 members started laughing except for heejin who buried her face in her hands.

"okay next!!" heejin yelled still very embarrassed. "truth or dare gowon!" heejin said. gowon got startled and picked dare. "i dare YOU to sit in hyejoo's lap for the rest of the game!" heejin smirked. "good one heejin!" kimlip laughed. gowon blushed and peered over at hyejoo who was motioning gowon to come closer. gowon blushed and sat up to walk towards hyejoo, she then looked at her and hyejoo patted her lap which made some members laugh. gowon said down on hyejoo's lap carefully. "this is more a punishment, you guys dont know how heavy she is." hyejoo joked. "yah! hyejoo!" gowon smacked hyejoo's arm playfully and sat in her lap with her arms crossed. hyejoo apologied by placing a soft kiss on gowon's shoulder. "woah, was that hyejoo being loving and affection!?" yves yelled. "hey leave them alone yves" vivi said smiling in a soft tone. yves giggled and clinged to chuu. hyejoo wrapped her arms around gowon's stomach and rested her head on her shoulder.

"okay, kimlip truth or dare?" gowon asked. "hmm truth!" kimlip answered. "your a wuss kimberly." hyejoo said. kimlip gave her a glare but continued to listen to gowon's question. "is it true that the mark on jinsoul's neck is from you?" gowon asked while smirking. all of the members burst our laughing while kimlip is dying of embarrassment and jinsoul is just in shock and particularly laughing.

"uhm.. yeah it was me who created that mark.." kimlip muttered. she then rested her head on jinsoul's shoulder, jinsoul leaned over and kissed the top of kimlip's head. "okay lovebirds ask somebody truth or dare!" haseul laughed. "truth or dare hyejoo!" kimlip asked.

"hmm dare i guess." hyejoo responded. hyejoo was worried about what kimlip would dare her to do. "i dare you to do a dance in front of everyone but you have to direct it to gowon." kimlip said while laughing. hyejoo glared at kimlip and blushed heavily. gowon was also blushing at the thought of it. everyone began laughing again but also were hesitant to laugh because hyejoo is scary. hyejoo gently pulled gowon next to her so she could get up and do the dance. "okay! i get to pick the song you dance to!" shouted vivi while giggling. haseul got up to help vivi pick a song for hyejoo to dance to.

Trouble Maker by Trouble Maker started playing. 

they all squealed. hyejoo actually had learnt this dance a few weeks prior but never shown it to all the members. she started dancing and all the members were laughing and clapping while hyejoo was very embarrassed. the chorus came on while hyejoo was dancing really close to gowon and when hyejoo finished to just sat down and buried her face in gowon's chest. hyejoo could feel and hear gowon's face heart beat, she smiled. "HYEWONNN!" yeojin yelled, all the members squealed. "that's it, we are leaving." hyejoo said as she picked up gowon and walked to their bedroom to sleep since it was around 1AM.

(i hope you enjoyed this!!)

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